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Recommend 1995 Explorer?


Elite Explorer
August 25, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Limited
I'm looking for an older, low mileage automatic transmission Explorer to replace my trusty 5 speed 93 X (my knees getting worse and I need to switch to an automatic, otherwise I'd keep it). I found a 1995 Limited 4 door automatic 4wd with 70K miles and great maintenance records (by their local Ford dealer). I know 1995 is the first year of the 2nd Gen (I usually avoid first model years). BUT, since I don't know 2nd Gen's, do you 2nd Gen people recommend the 1995?

It would be used as a general purpose vehicle: daily driver, trip/vacation car, and, yes, I do go off road - dirt, sand, mud, snow - my old X could tell you stories...



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98+ v8 is the best, period.

If you can afford it, I would recommend a '98-'01 V8 (with AWD if you need it). The '95 4x4 will be the OHV V6. The OHV V6 is not a terrible engine, but it's not w/out it's weak points (primarily the cylinder heads) and the V6 automatic transmissions is not particularly strong. Finding a low mileage V8 probably wont be that easy, but considering the V8's tend to go 300k + something with higher mileage may not be a problem.

I'm looking for an older, low mileage automatic transmission Explorer to replace my trusty 5 speed 93 X (my knees getting worse and I need to switch to an automatic, otherwise I'd keep it). I found a 1995 Limited 4 door automatic 4wd with 70K miles and great maintenance records (by their local Ford dealer). I know 1995 is the first year of the 2nd Gen (I usually avoid first model years). BUT, since I don't know 2nd Gen's, do you 2nd Gen people recommend the 1995?

It would be used as a general purpose vehicle: daily driver, trip/vacation car, and, yes, I do go off road - dirt, sand, mud, snow - my old X could tell you stories...


I say the 95 and 96 OHV V6 are a very good choice if you don't get the V8 like others said. My only real issues were really rust related and a CA truck is probably a gem at that mileage and maintained. The drivetrain has at least 100K left.

The 4R55E trans has less issues than the 5R55E in 97+(V6 has different trans than V8, but still not as good as the V8). A 95 will have the older OBD I, you may want to consider a Snap on MT-2500 scanner (which are dirt cheap now) to diagnose it if it has issues. None of the new scanners will work with it.

If the price is right and you are happy with the power I say go for it. The OHV isn't really a powerful engine, but it is not bad with the right gearing. The good part is that unlike the V6 SOHC it is economically repairable and has few issues. Mine still has the original lower intake gasket, which is supposed to be one of the more common leakpoints. My leak actually came from a rusty freeze plug.

I'd recommend it, 300k miles on mine. However the transmission has had some work done in the past 20 years. Also the 4.0 v6 in my opinion is terribly slow.

Thanks, guys, that helps a lot.

I've lived with the OHV V6 for so long (and I discovered that if you treat it well it lasts a long time) the idea of going to a V8 is straining my comfort level. :) But from what you are saying, it makes sense. I see the V8 models have AWD. Do they have a two speed transfer case (Hi/Low)?

And boominXplorer, why do you like the 1998 V8 the best?

Thanks, guys, that helps a lot.

I've lived with the OHV V6 for so long (and I discovered that if you treat it well it lasts a long time) the idea of going to a V8 is straining my comfort level. :) But from what you are saying, it makes sense. I see the V8 models have AWD. Do they have a two speed transfer case (Hi/Low)?

And boominXplorer, why do you like the 1998 V8 the best?

The V8's came in RWD or AWD. The AWD is full-time, so no real transfer case just a center differential. We have 4 V8's one is AWD and 2 remaining SOHC V6's. The V8's are by far the best of the bunch. We don't have much use for the AWD where we live, but it performs quite well.

98-01 have the better updated 4r70w transmission. Also the 5.0 is nearly bullet proof. Also 98+ don't have the weird issues the previous years have (torsion bar key pads, lamp module and 3rd brake light issues)


I almost bought a loaded 99 limited v8 when I bought my 96 in 01. The salesman talked me out of it over gas mileage, the other thing was I kinda wanted low gear, which I never really used that much. I don't regret the OHV V6, but if I ever get another one it will be a V8. 98+ 4r70ws are excellent transmissions, no further explanations needed.

He also gave me a long lecture about the SOHCs out of warranty, this was back in 01, the problems are not new.

Someone snapped up the 95 I was looking at. Thanks for all the advice, especially about the V8's. The search continues...
