"Refreshed" the rear wiper sleeve/shaft again | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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"Refreshed" the rear wiper sleeve/shaft again


Well-Known Member
July 4, 2006
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City, State
Jacksonville, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Ford Explorer XLT
Noticed the rear wiper slowing down again, almost to the point of seizing in sub zero weather this winter. So I assumed the shaft/sleeve corrosion issue was happening again. Went through this a couple of years ago when it was totally seized. To my dismay, when I took it apart this time, the shaft came out quite easily:( Well, I cleaned everything up and greased the hell out of it and reassembled it. Maybe the motor is actually slowing down. Wiper still works ok, but I remember the last time after I worked on it, the sweep was much faster. Oh well, nothing lasts forever.
