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Remote Start 2018 questions


Well-Known Member
April 24, 2021
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2018 Police Utility
I looked and didn’t find any answers to this. I tried talking to “someone” who has a website that specializes in this type of thing, but instead of straight answers, all I got were cryptic sentences, no part numbers, and referred to the internet.

I was told that the 2018 is different in someway for remote start, but it was never specified how it was different. The PIU came with keyless entry. I’m buying a hood switch. When it came to my Taurus, all I needed was a remote, a switch and then program it. What’s different for 2018? It seemed like a straight forward question, but after a few emails, I got no where.

Does anyone know what, if anything else, is needed? The key fobs I have are 3 button (lock, unlock, and rear hatch). Do I need a different fob? Part number or photo or link?

I appreciate anyones assistance. Nothings more frustrating that someone posing as a helper just to never actually give you any viable information....because he wants to get paid. Frustrating to say the least!

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Just bumping to see if anyone has a part number for a key FOB for remote start? The key FOBS I have lock, unlock, and trunk only. I was going to buy a key FOB with remote start on it, but they can get expensive and just want to know my options or at least a known working key FOB that people are using.

After the 2016 FPIU you can't just activate the option trough Forscan, now it required IDS in order to install the remote start, save yourself the trouble and get it installed for someone who know what is doing, it cost me $300 to get it done, remote start, lock and unlock doors, make lift gate to unlock with doors.

After the 2016 FPIU you can't just activate the option trough Forscan, now it required IDS in order to install the remote start, save yourself the trouble and get it installed for someone who know what is doing, it cost me $300 to get it done, remote start, lock and unlock doors, make lift gate to unlock with doors.
IDS is about $150 to activate for a few days. Much cheaper, however, I’m sure that there is a learning curve that would take up those few days. Bummer

IDS is about $150 to activate for a few days. Much cheaper, however, I’m sure that there is a learning curve that would take up those few days. Bummer
like i post earlier, i paid $300 for everything installed, i own a 2016 that also required ids for the starter, but they take care of everything, btw i don't know what you mean by "activate for a few days"
