Removed 3rd row seating. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removed 3rd row seating.


Well-Known Member
March 30, 2019
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2020 explorer ST.
So I have no kids and will never use the 3rd row, I removed it. Got huge cargo room now. Cost me about 20 in material at HD.
Made a false thin plywood floor and then wrapped in carpet. Saved about 100 lbs?Noticed some insulation by fuel inlet was not hooked on and left hanging by some assy worker. Couple other quality issues I see a day after we bought it. Rear door windows loose in tract, one actually makes a racket over certain bumps when Its partially open....which led me checking all the glass.
Anyone know how I can fix the 3rd row seat belt status failure warning message I'm getting on cluster at each startup? Ty.

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Gonna clarify before ill conclusions propagate. Its possible the insulation got unhooked while I pulled off that panel, so benefit of doubt there. As for the windows that is still under investigation. I will check others on lot when I get the chance along with service dept and will also be certain items in door panel such as a water bottle or something were not the cause of noise....seems unlikely but in the excitement of new purchase I may have missed something. Just saying.

So I have no kids and will never use the 3rd row, I removed it. Got huge cargo room now. Cost me about 20 in material at HD.
Made a false thin plywood floor and then wrapped in carpet. Saved about 100 lbs?Noticed some insulation by fuel inlet was not hooked on and left hanging by some assy worker. Couple other quality issues I see a day after we bought it. Rear door windows loose in tract, one actually makes a racket over certain bumps when Its partially open....which led me checking all the glass.
Anyone know how I can fix the 3rd row seat belt status failure warning message I'm getting on cluster at each startup? Ty.
I don't know if the 2020 is the same structually as the 5th gen but they required a cross brace to be installed in place of the 3rd row seats to maintain the vehicle's integrity.
Removing 3rd Row Seats & Installing Cross Brace


Personally other than the weight I don't see the point of removing the seat. I'd have just folded the 3rd row down and bought a liner to cover that area
