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Removing door panels


July 3, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Explorer XLT
I just purchased a '94 Eddie Bauer Explorer for my daughter. Has 84,000 miles and runs great. Seems that 2 or 3 of the radio speakers are busted or sound like they are. Need to know how to remove the door panels. I found 3 screws and removed them and the panel seems to pop off the door but how do I disconnect the assorted wiring and inside door handle. Thanks in advance for your help. Frank

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Sounds like you can already get the panel off. Since its the speaker you're after, leave the inside door handle on and the wiring attached, just pull the clamps holding the wires out of the door panel and rest the whole panel on a box. Way easier than disconnecting everything.

You may want to get the door panel out of the way so you can work on the speaker--

Before pulling the door panel off, you can remove the window/mirror switch unit by inserting a small screwdriver at the base and gently prying it up and working it out of the door panel. Then use a phillips screwdriver to remove the two black screws that attach the window/lock switch to the little faceplate. You don't have to disconnect the wiring harnesses, just separate the switch unit from the face plate.

Take out the three screws, and use a small screwdriver to pop off that little black trim piece at the inside door handle-- you may have to pull the handle to the open position to slide the trim piece off.

Next, pop the door panel loose and lift it off of the window "sill". As you do this, angle the window switches and face plate so they'll slide through the opening in the door panel. Now the wires for the door light and the automatic-open window control unit are still connected to the panel. With your phillips screwdriver, take out the one screw that holds the little black control unit to the door panel (or remove the connector-- I find it easier to take out the screw. The door light is really easy-- gently twist the connector and the thing will pop out bulb and all.

All this sounds fairly complicated, but it can be done in less than two minutes. (My window gets stuck occaisionally, so I have to go in their to free it up.)

Thanks for the help guys. Looks like I got a job to do tomorrow.

91 X.

What size speakers are stock in the front doors?

I was doing a SEARCH when I bumped into this I I figure I'd ask here.

They are a weird size. I think 4x8 or something. Go to the Best Buy web site. In car audio section, speakers. They are the Ford, Mazda,... type. Pioneer 220 watt 3 way set for only $80. Not bad sound either. Just remember to get the adapter plugs. No need to splice anything together (trust me...I learned). Good Luck.

5x7's were all the way around on mine if I remember correctly

Both 5x7 and 6x8 fit in the doors of a 4 door 1st gen X.



6x8's and i got my front 3-way's for $50 shipped from car domain. I also found a place called cardiscountstereos.com that seems to have pretty good prices. I have a friend who ordered a tv from there, and said good things.
