Replacing 4r55e with 5r55e questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing 4r55e with 5r55e questions


New Member
October 15, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
96 4.0
I have a 96 explorer 4.0 with 4r55e box, im in the process og replacing the box with an 5r55e unit as the old box gave up... i got a good deal on a 5r55e from a 98 explorer, so i bought it.
As i have understood this should be fairly "plug and play", i had to change over the "shift indicator" where the wire goes into the box, and i have to change over TCC (?)and EPC valves.

Is there anything else i have to think about ?

I messured my valves and found the EPC to be 3,5 omhs and the TCC to be 9,4 ohms... Does that make sense ?

Jan Brede

The EPC & TCC solenoids are modulated, and an ordinary ohm test isn't the way to test them. The newer solenoids use something called inductive signature as a feedback signal for the PCM to make adjustments. Use the original valve body with the solenoids, and the wiring harness. You should rebuild the valve body first. Get new valve body gaskets, and make sure that you tighten the valve body bolts with a torque wrench.

Hi. Thanks for the reply.
I know its not the right way to test, but its the only tool i have.. As i live i Norway snd very few shops have any kind og diagnostic tools for automatic boxes.
Do i HAVE TO change the whole valvebody or will it work with just the tcc and epc swapped ? The new box is already in the car...

As for the ohm values i think the valves are ok, as the old box shifted, but i had to almost rev it to the limiter to get any movement.

Jan Brede
