Replacing ball joints on a 1998 Ford Explorer 4x4 Eddie Bauer. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing ball joints on a 1998 Ford Explorer 4x4 Eddie Bauer.


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February 5, 2010
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Pittsburgh, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer
Need some help to see what to expect. I just bought this Explorer. Found a guy on Ebay that sells the entire front end. I bought the UCA, Lower Ball joints, Inner/outers Tie Rods and the sway bar links. Beside the usual tools (ball joint press the socket for the inner tie rods and some hammer) what else can I expect? I plan on putting the pressed in ball joints inthe freezer before install to help pressignthem in, but any other tips? I plan n doing this all next weekend along with all new shocks and brakes while I'm at it. Any video/pics or suggestions would be great. Thanks

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Welcome to this forum! I've moved your thread into the stock 95-01 section. Do you have the tools? Autozone loans them as part of their tool loaning program. The product review section has reviews on a couple of sets if you are interested in purchasing a set instead of renting one. There are some threads on this site with information on replacing ball joints. Do a quick search with the keywords "ball joint".

Welcome To The Forum! The top ones aren't too hard to do just make sure you have PB Blaster handy or JB 80 handy to soak the ball joint down where it connects to the spindle and a nice hammer handy. As far as the bottom ones look over the how-to written up here on the forum.

Hey there! I am gathering the parts now to do this as well. Im replacing the upper and lower on the right. Ive been told not to fix the left ifn it aint broke (liberty taken lol) Iv found the cheapest price on MOOG to actually be at energy suspension, and thats where i bought.
Im trying to figure out which shocks to get. I dont care so much about the brand, as to what folks have found to be the best. I would like some input as to the proper shock to go on a 98 Eddie bauer AWD with factory asst air. Any thoughts would be stellar!!!
