Rookies D44 SAS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rookies D44 SAS

Yup its time to start the SAS. I Now have the complete axle from a 87 waggy. Also got some perrys fenders (soon getting the rears also) Since my truck is spray bombed anyway I sprayed the fenders to avoid joining the white fender club that seems so popular here.
OK so here is the axle in all its nasty glory.
Tomorrow I will pressure wash it and get it ready to paint. Obviously all the brake parts are getting tossed in favor of new parts. No way I am using those ancient beat up parts. I will be posting pics every so often.

Oh the worst part. I JUST Yesterday put in a new tail light to replace one that has been broken for a while and broke it today taking the axle out. ALso turned my liscense plate into some odd abstract sculpture.

This was caused by my stupid a55 deciding to just push the axle out of the X now rather than wait till tomorrow for more help. THis thing is HEAVY
Here is where she sits right now. If you look closely you will see a set of gorgeous black rims that will be all but worthless to me after this. Shame

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edit- whatcha doin' up front for suspension? Leaves? 4link? Radius arms?

where'd you end up getting tyhe axle from? did you run up to harry's in hazleton and get that one that chris and i found? i wish i had the time to go over and get that one now but i'm gonna have to wait for a bit and then i'll be in the same boat as you.

good luck

Going for leaves up front. I am more or less copying Chris Due to low cost and insane flex.

I wish I got the axle from harrys, Instead I drve up to some place in upper bucks county. (about 2 hours from me). Unfortunately one of the leefs I got is broken. The place I got it from is willing to swap it out or work something else out. I may try to get some of my cash back in order to buy new flex packs.

A HUGE thanks goes out to Chris (lizardtrac) for all his help with this. I wouldnt have done it otherwise.

OK well I went to mount my fenders today. ANyone that has done fenders on the X knows the bumper comes off to do them. Looking at the truck with out the bumper and fenders really opens up space for the SAS. Soooooooo I decided to just go ahead and get my lazy but in gear. I will be tearing out my old front end in the next couple days. I was going to just torch everything off but then my friend wanted my front pig and has some bad wheel bearings and such. Well I am going to just try to take out the front end in as large a piece as possible to put into his truck. This should be faster. I am such a good friend. He is getting Lots of great parts from me. This is how the truck sits tonight. More pics to come


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Important item on list still not done.
MUST run a 220 line to garage for welder. Never needed one cause just always welded at work. I have decided to do this in the driveway. No rush this way, can take whatever time I want.
