SEMA SHOW on TLC NOW!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Set your Tivo for Tuesday, Dec. 5, 8-10 p.m., as The Learning Channel (TLC) kicks
off two hours of SEMA programming. With host Steve Watson featuring highlights and
interviews from the Show floor, TLC will celebrate the industry's great products,
personalities and technology with "SEMA - The World's Greatest Car Show" at 8 p.m.

Then at 9, it's a one-hour Overhaulin', featuring Chip Foose and his crew building
their third annual SEMA Show project.

The two-hour block repeats later that evening at midnight. For more SEMA coverage,
visit TLC's website at

SEMA VP, Marketing and Communications

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I think its funny... SEMA seems to keep trying to do more and more each year to make SEMA to be less of a car show, make sure that only industry professionals can get in and make sure it maintains its trade show nature, but then SEMA Marketing comes up with titles like "SEMA - The Worlds Greatest Car Show"... and then they wonder why everyone always wants to go to the show.
By the way a few years ago I saw myself on one of the SEMA recap shows TWICE... once it showed one of hte aisles, I happened to be walking down towards the end of the aisle at the time but I could tell it was me.... because my head was above everyone elses, LOL. Then the other time was when the crew of Orange County Choppers walked by and I was on the side of the walkway eating lunch, LOL..

Actually they do more and more to make it a BETTER car show every year. It's just a car show for a limited audience. I can definately understand why. I wouldn't want a bunch of rug rats crawling all over my $$$$$$ creation...

Think about how few of the cars at SEMA have any ropes around them compared to World of Wheels.

But the biggest reason is the that SEMA is a place where people do business. Unless you keep the show open an extra few days for the public I don't think the exhibitors would have enough time to meet with their buyers.

good point, my wording was off... should've been "less of a car show to the public". I think even being a trade show you still get people with no respect... the two years I showed my truck there I was constantly finding soda cans on the bumper or brush guard, hand prints all over the truck like people had been leaning against it and even found some crap in the bed of my truck. Now I realize my truck isn't nearly as SEMA-worthy as a lot of the beasts there, but come on...
And yeah, business was always the reason I went even before showing my truck there... of course it was always trying to find sponsors, but hey that is business too! :). Even though I bought the truck back I'm not taking it to SEMA anymore since I've stopped doing teh whole sponsored thing... that and I always felt like a stock piece of **** compared to the other vehicles there LOL.
