Shaking when braking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shaking when braking


New Member
March 25, 2003
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City, State
Waycross, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer Sport 4x4
i have a 94 Sport 4x4 and my steering wheel and dashboard sometimes shake when i'm braking and my car also creaks at low speed while braking or going over bumps, any help would be appreciated, thanks

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There are actually a number of things that could cause this.

Have you check the alignment of the front end? If it's out of alignment that could cause a problem.

The front brake rotors could be warped. I had that problem in the past.

How's the wear pattern on the front tires look?

Did you have the rotors turned (cut) the last time that you had your brakes done? If not, they are probably warped which would cause the vibration you describe when you are braking.

The "creaking", or growling, that you describe at low speeds is normal.


How about a bad bearing?

Use it for pleasure! It can be a massager(sp?)! But seriously, our Z71 does that too and we assume its the rotors, but haven't checked into it.

Probably the rotors. I actually bought new ones and had to get them resurfaced to eliminate the pulsation.

I would go right to rotor warp....
I had same thing on both my Exploders...they aint making rotors the way they use to....

(ie thinner, lighter weight, can take the heat, burn spots and cracking...also a higher recurring revenue stream for car dealers is a throw away society hahaha)

Get someone good to check em out if you get em turned.

The operative when you replace the brakes is rail grease
You may know that

Z71...I have a Chevy also.....same thing......THEY aint making rotors the way they use to....

? year of Chevy?
I found a well hidden Chevy recall and got a new complete brake job with upgraded beefier (?) rotors under warranty.
May or may not apply to trucks.

I would still check for any upgraded specs on rotor from GM

Just replaced my Rotors/pads on my 96 Tahoe last Tuesday. Got the good ones from Jegs. The difference from OEM is night and day. Plus it was 100 bucks cheaper to do it myself then to have MIDAS do it, plus I got to use high performance brake rotors/pads. Very simple. Took me about an hour to do both sides.

The operative when you replace the brakes is rail grease
Huh? Did I miss something?:confused: Slide pin lube?

You did good!

Rail grease? sorry, "I" think so.
no problemo
pops the tire off and slide the pins half way out to grease em!
I'm sure others will comment too
