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June 9, 2008
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i need shocks and soon, i put the f150 coil spacers on, and have 3 inch susp lift, so should i go with the 4-6 inch lift shocks? and what are some better brands, i have skyjacker 7000 on there now.

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so how are the edelbrock shocks?

The spacers don't usually require longer shocks when doing them with stock springs, so you may not need to change your shocks if they are the proper length for the lift you're running.

That said, if you can find slightly longer length brand name shocks, it could be worth it.
The shocks that come with lift kits (superlift, rancho, etc.) are usually just generic low pressure twin tube shocks with a sticker on them.

Personally I prefer Bilsteins, but Edelbrocks, Rancho RS9000s, and a few others are generally regarded as excellent shocks for a lift.

no my shocks are shot i know, and now with it up even more, i really have no movement i dont thing, there like my limiting straps and that aint good.
