speedometer after bw 4406 swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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speedometer after bw 4406 swap


August 10, 2016
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north east indiana
City, State
ossian indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 sport trac
ok finishing up my sport trac build swaped in a stroker motor 331 bw 4406 my speedometer works but is way the f^*^ off 20 mph = 100+ on the dash. Vss with tone ring wired into 97 ecu. anybody got any ideas

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The 1997 PCM expects the VSS signal which a trans/TC mounted speedometer sensor generates. The rear diff, ABS sensor isn't exactly the same signal I don't believe. That's got to be the issue you have. In the 98-01's, the rear ABS signal goes to the ABS module, and then splits to the PCM and speedometer.

I'm fuzzy on the details, but I'm posting because I will need to figure that out myself, for at least one older car with the OBDII engine swap.

Which model BW4406 do you have? I think they stopped using the VSS after 1998 in the bigger trucks. My 98 Navigator version still has the sensor.

ok I have a 99 4406 went to the pick your part in fort wayne got a tail shaft housing from a 97 f150 switched out the tone ring for a gear and now I got speedometer. I'm still off 55 is 65 on the dash but that's no big deal. trans is shifting right torque converter is locking up at 45 on the dash. Still no cruise figure that out tomorrow

after I got the speedo working I have a p0500 code found missing ground in 42 pin connector grounded that out lost that code to pick up p0503 speedo still works any ideas would be very helpful

Aftermarket to the rescue!!

Here is the fix:
Universal Speedometer Signal Interface


this little dude will take the VSS signal you have (from the 4406) and change it into the signal the PCM is expecting to see (the tone ring sensor from the old 8.8)

331 in a sport trac, oh yes please!!
