Speedometer is crazy | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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June 15, 2017
Reaction score
Virginia Beach, Virginia
City, State
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992, Explorer XLT
Alright so my 1992 explorer isn't super moded but it is running a little bit bigger tires 30x9.5 so I thought I'd put it here. But on my way to school I hit a bad pot hole at about 60mph or so and for a split second the rear abs light came on it kicked the radio out for a sec and now my speedometer is all over the place. Anywhere from being accurate to almost 20mph off. I know with tires it's off about 2mph but nothing like this. And now since the bump my right rear leaf spring creaks like a 50 year old car and my alternator is whining. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

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Also went and looked the speedometer cable is tight at the transfer case and I went ahead and pulled it out and the gear looks fine too. It is the white gear

if the teeth on both the white gear and the gear inside the transfer case looks good and the cable is spinning like it should, then I would think the speedometer itself is malfunctioning.

try greasing the cable.

Check for broken leaf springs on the side that took damage and inspect the front leaf spring bolt as well.
