Steering Noise... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Noise...


Active Member
July 27, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle, Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Ford Explorer 4WD
I notice that when making a slow speed turns like backing out of a parking space or pulling into a parking space especially left steering input, the left front wheel area is creaking like metal on metal that needs lubricating. Occasionally it will make the noise while braking.

I looked under the car and it all looks fine. No obvious damage. I shot WD40 on all the joint surfaces and still the noise. If the car is parked with the engine on and I turn the steering wheel slowly lock to lock, I will hear the creak about three times per direction. I cannot pin point it except to the front left wheel area.

I'm thinking it must be a steering component...possibly a tie rod?
Any ideas?

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With the hood up...

Hi there... since you know what a tie rod is, you are already 20 steps ahead of me. But have you tried turning the wheel with the hood up, and having another party do the turning while you stand outside and listen (since you know what the sound is, your ears will catch it immediately)? And then try it again with you in the vehicle turning the wheel...

I actually have laid under the car while the wife turned the steering wheel to listen. I will have her do it again and I will grab a hold of the tie rod on the left side and see if it feels like it is binding.

You're lucky...

I actually have laid under the car while the wife turned the steering wheel to listen. I will have her do it again and I will grab a hold of the tie rod on the left side and see if it feels like it is binding.

My wife would have stepped on the gas if I were under the car... :D I'm sure a tech here knows what you're hearing. Good luck!

Mine does that too. It does it mainly when I'm on the brakes. Check your upper ball joints mine are wornout. I don't think thats causing the problem but it may be part of it. I've pulled my left front wheel off and checked the brakes and they look fine. So by process of elimination it would be upper balljoint, lower balljoint, wheel bearings, cv axle , or tie rod. Mine really sounds like the brakes though. It's not a steady creak it comes and goes while I'm stopping kinda like a warped rotor. If you find out something let us know.


Figured out the problem.

The cross frame member that goes under the transmission housing behind the sway bar was loose somehow.

Re-torked the bolts and the frame creak was gone.
