Steering Wheel Controls | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Steering Wheel Controls


New Member
July 13, 2010
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City, State
Charlotte, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Eddie Bauer
Greetings all,

I have used this site many times to solve various problems but this is my first post. I did not see anything relating to my particular problem so forgive me if this has been discussed previously. I have a 2003 Eddie Bauer Explorer, several of the buttons on the steering wheel have recently quit working. Originally it was just the lower temp control, the raise temp still works, but now the memory button (which cycles your radio stations has quit working). The coast button the the other side of the wheel often does not work as well. It seems that slowly more of the buttons are starting to fail. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Haven't ever inspected mine however my a/c controls have always been very slow to respond. I would suggest removing and trying contact cleaner and also inspecting for frayed wiring if some are working intermittently.

How do I remove the controls to check the contacts? Also, is the wire accessible anywhere to check for fraying?

all these controls use the same wire threw the steering wheel contact (clock spring) if one button works but the rest dont the switches are bad to replace you must remove the air bag there are 2 8mm screws under the round plugs on the left and right of the steering wheel

Sinclair- Let me know how this goes. I have the exact problem with my steering wheel temp button (lower temp does not work but upper does). I just installed an aftermarket headunit (Pioneer AVH-P4200DVD) and have wired in my steering wheel controls with a steering wheel control adapter. It works but only about 75% of the time. Let me know if the contact cleaner works.

Will do, I dont know that I will go as far as to remove the airbag, but there are 2 knockout looking pieces on either side of the steering wheel. I am going to try to remove those and see what I can see. I was thinking it may be something simple because the "mem" button works sometimes, but the lower temp has never worked.

You might already know this but, on side note when taking out the airbag disconnect the battery for like 10min. . .if one or more buttons work its most likely the switches. ..check fleabay. . .

How do I remove the airbag?
