stock teardrop wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stock teardrop wheels


July 19, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 XLT
I have a 2000 XLT, and have the stock teardrop wheels. I plan on doing a 3" BL, 2" TT and shackles and AAL. I would like to go with 33X12.5-15. Do I need to buy new wheels to fit these tires. I have no idea of the size of the teardrop, its 15x?... Anybody know the width. If so what is the biggest Bfgoodrich mud terrain i can fit on these stock wheels.

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^^ thanks but on it says minimum width is 8.5 in. for the 33x12.5 bfgoodrich mud terrains. And for 33x12.5 do i have to get better gears? how much does that cost?

johnb13 said:
^^ thanks but on it says minimum width is 8.5 in. for the 33x12.5 bfgoodrich mud terrains.
Well, you asked so I told you. You can fit a 37x12.5x15 on the stock wheel if you wanted to.

You'll probably want to get gears. To be as close to stock as possible you will want 4.10s. If you want a little more low end power and better power for off-road then you should go with 4.56s. It will cost a lot since you have to do front and rear. Gears are usually around $140-$210 or so. Then labor to have them installed will usually be a few hundred as well.

thanks for the help. I saw that someone had old man emu lift shocks, is that front and rear lift? I cant seem to find ones that fit explorers. can someone enlighten me on what they do. I am trying to avoid TT altogether. I dont want a stiff ride, I would like to keep the ride feeling like it is right now ( to an extent.)

And a suspension kit is to expensive, after the installation and everything. ( im only 16.)
thanks, John
