Stuck Blazer! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stuck Blazer!

On Sunday i was called to come get this Blazer out. It was at the Camelot trail and i was like alright cool no biggy! when i got there i walked to the Blazer to see it was wheeling alone and was totally stock with stock wheels and wheeling in a class 3 trail with huge ruts and mud holes everywhere. Well so i walk back out and get in the X and drive down there. that was mistake #1 on my part! #2 was not turning the cell phone off b/c they had a huge dodge that was going to come out and get him out but i didn't know that and got about 10 feet from him and BAM i'm spinning all 4 wheels and in this soft mud that i get NO traction. So the huge dodge comes and pulls me out and then works on the blazer that was farther down the trail than in the pics below and was bottomed out. I left b/c i had a meeting i had to be at, but today i went back to see where i got stuck b/c it was dark when i went Sunday night. I find the blazer moved and closer the the entrance but still stuck as hell! It is resting on the diffy, t-case, and tranmission as we speak. The owner is in SC b/c he works there and left the Blazer here. I'll keep ya updated on how we get him out and whats broken.

oh also this dumb@ss had no tow strap, tow hooks, or any off-road equipment with him.

Here's pics:


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naw i don't have pic of the dodge but i could get some.
