stuck in creek | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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stuck in creek

Sup guys. i had just recently got my truck out of the shop with my new lock right in the front. well 2 nights ago i went out and just did some climbing. well last night me and my friend in his f150 with 35's decided to go muddin. well i tried some stuff i wouldnt normally go threw and he got stuck behind me. which ended up making me get stuck cuz i couldnt go back wards to get out and i tried going even further and sank my tires. than we had to call our other friend with a 70"s chevy with a winch to pull us out. here are the pictures. o yea than when we got done and left we got back to town and i realized i had droped my phone out in the woods somewhere and we had to go back and find it lol.

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Bummer but a least you didn't break anything.

Are you locked front and back?

Nice pics! I bet it was fun trying to find your phone ;)

no sway bars in front or rear

Nice stuck. Looks like some good mud.

that looks like awesome mud! We have some of that out here, only in some spots though
Nice whoops

lol, great pics!

id say you were pretty f'n stuck there mate.. :D

actually i ended up driving out of that, i got stuck a little further down trying to get up the creek wall.
