Super Bowl XXXV...Commercials | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Super Bowl XXXV...Commercials


Explorer Addict
June 26, 2000
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Atlanta, GA
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2013 GLI, 2013 Escape
OK, so we have a "Super Bowl" thread, a "Favorite Band" thread, and a "Favorite Beer" what were your favorite Super Bowl Commercials this year?

  1. My Top 5
  2. Budweiser: Yuppie Whazzup?
  3. Bud Light: Cedric's Date
  4. E-Trade: Monkey cowboy
  5. Budweiser: Alien Dog
  6. Pepsi: Bob Dole's "Little Blue Friend"[/list=1]
    Also, the EyeVision camera kicked @$$!

    [Edited by FlyAU on 01-29-2001 at 01:04 PM]

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So is that your Top 15 list or your Top 5 list??
Make up your mind!

I just caught the last bit of the game.....all I could see is that they wanted everybody to stop smoking.

In my mind both the commercials and the game blew....

I do have to say its about time they have a Half-time show that was targeted to the younger crowd. In the past year they have had Half-time show's that were targeted towards my Grandparent age group.

Originally posted by CBoug76
So is that your Top 15 list or your Top 5 list??
Make up your mind!
Picky, picky, picky...;)

N'Sync & Aerosmith...I never would have thought I'd have seen the day those two bands performed together...

But it was MUCH Better then someone like Diana Ross!

That's what you get when MTV produces your halftime show...the intro video with Ben Stiller was, um, interesting to say the least. :D

Oh hell yeah, Britney just looked freakin HOT!!!:bounce::bounce: remind you of something?;)

Oh yeah, the Budweiser: What are you doing, was I think my favorite commercial.

I liked these ones:

1.Budweiser- Throwing pencils at the ceiling
This one had me laughing for a long time

2.E-trade- the monkey riding a horse

3.Doritos- Getting knocked down by the chip. I didn't expect that but it was funny.

Overall, I think Bud had the best commercials.

Well, I watched the second half of the game and the halftime show.. and I wasn't that impressed. Just my opinion. Some of the commercials were funny, but not as funny as some in the past. None had me laughing as long as they have in previous years. Hell, maybe I'm just getting older... ;)

i like the one with the squirrels, the matrix security guard, the doritos tennis, the budweiser pencils, cedric's date and the monkey and the horse! i couldnt stop laughing!!!!



well as a ex-smoker I got a kick out of those anti-cig adds I mean speaking fo rmyself only here but I was never forcee into smoking, and if you are a smoker and don't know whats in them then I say you are the dumb one not the manufacturers of the cigs!! But hey we got to blame someone, I mean we(americans) never do anything wrong, I mean if we spill coffee on us and burn ourselves, it is not our fault!!

Well, according to that old court case McDonald's was at fault for the coffee being spilled on someone, thats why they have the "Caution:Hot!" things on the cups and all. People are crazy. Anyways, I loved the Budweiser pencil thing. The only pepsi commercial that was good was the Bob Dole one, all the other were really stupid, unlike previous years. The other good one was the Wasssup alien.

The VOLKSWAGEN commercial was my favorite by far. not just because i am the biggest veedub nut here, it was just hysterical to see that GTi fall from the tree. oh how i cant wait to get one!!!

im also gonna favor the anti-smoking ads. my sister died from lung cancers less than a year ago from smoking cigarettes. she was only 36 years old. ever since then, i am bothered by my friends and family who still smoke.

what are YOU doing???!?!??!? loved it!!!!

I liked the Bud pencils and the How are you doing. But none of them were as good as when the the frogs, the lizards and the ferret were around. I loved those guys.

Anyone remember the Tabasco sause commercial from a few years back, when the misquito exploded??? I still laugh when I think about that one. I'm from Louisiana so I thought it was cool.
