Sync 3 updated, but maps won't update | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3 updated, but maps won't update


March 6, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Caen, Calvados
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Ford Explorer ST Lin
Hi all, here is another issue that I have.

I think I have updated correctly the Sync 3 system (it says Sync 3.4 rev. 22251) and it should allow me to download the latest map update.

Here's how it goes on the French Ford website: after successfully installing the Sync 3 update, a log file is generated on the USB key (I have it), which I must then upload to the Ford website, to unlock the downloading of the maps. But the website (the French one) is buggy, and never acknowledges that I've uploaded my log file. The download link for the maps remains hopelessly grayed.

I'm fairly sure that my map is not up to date, because its number is F10 (F = France?), and other Ford owners (although not Explorer) talk about version F11.

My dealer did not help much in that case: they suggested me to try over WiFi, which I did, but it just answers that "Sync 3 is up to date"...

So, how could I do? I have found the Syncnavigation site, which seems to accept my VIN and offers to "purchase" (for free!) the download... But would it be the right one for France/Europe ?

So... any advice about right file / location / correct way to download greatly appreciated. BR, Daniel

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Hi Daniel. Others have had the same issue after uploading the .xml file. I once was not able to upload the file but after a week or more I found out that the site did indeed show the update. I'm guessing that it likely happened over WiFi when the vehicle was parked in the garage.
As for the maps, I believe the current version here is NA 2.21 (NA = North America).


Hi Peter, thanks for answering.

I was aware that there could be a delay for the site to register my updating of Sync 3. But it's now many weeks since I've done that. However, upon seeing your message, I tried again (what do I risk?) So I once again uploaded the .xml file, but after that, the web page auto-refreshes, and I'm back where I started. The web site still believes that I'm on version 3.4.21194, whereas I'm quite sure it's 3.4.22251 on my car, and I'm still going round in circles.

I'm tempted to download from the Syncnavigation site: won't the VIN number be enough to identify the car as a French / European Ford Explorer, and point to the correct map set?

I'm tempted to download from the Syncnavigation site: won't the VIN number be enough to identify the car as a French / European Ford Explorer, and point to the correct map set?
You would think so, but it's getting harder and harder to 'assume' something that seems logical. Are there any contact phone numbers on those sites that you can call to verify?


The only way I could get the Ford site to accept the long file created by the update was to skip the choice MAC/Windows and choose directly below it browse to file, it then immediately showed the new version on the vehicle data on the Ford site. If I chose Windows, which I was using, it would never give me that option. I spent 45 minutes on Chat with Ford and they never figured it out, they kept saying it must have been a bad installation and to start all over. After the chat ended, I tried skipping the choice and everything worked to upload the confirmation except that the choice didn't say "select file" as instructions indicated it would, it said "browse". After that the map update options worked correctly also.

Thanks for the tip, stratos278, but unfortunately I could not get it to work. I think I was actually skipping the MAC/Windows choice before. I did it one more time for good measure, but no luck. The Ford site won't update, and keeps saying I'm on the previous version of Sync 3 :-( The lower box "navigation system updates" remain hopelessly disabled...

Thanks for the tip, stratos278, but unfortunately I could not get it to work. I think I was actually skipping the MAC/Windows choice before. I did it one more time for good measure, but no luck. The Ford site won't update, and keeps saying I'm on the previous version of Sync 3 :-( The lower box "navigation system updates" remain hopelessly disabled...
I was able to upload the XML file successfully on previous updates. On one update I could not but after a couple of weeks my account showed the correct update. I can only guess it may have done it over WiFi sometime when parked in the garage.


The only way I could get the Ford site to accept the long file created by the update was to skip the choice MAC/Windows and choose directly below it browse to file, it then immediately showed the new version on the vehicle data on the Ford site. If I chose Windows, which I was using, it would never give me that option. I spent 45 minutes on Chat with Ford and they never figured it out, they kept saying it must have been a bad installation and to start all over. After the chat ended, I tried skipping the choice and everything worked to upload the confirmation except that the choice didn't say "select file" as instructions indicated it would, it said "browse". After that the map update options worked correctly also.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Have you checked an of the appropriate Escape forums for similar issues?


Hi Peter, thanks for answering.

I was aware that there could be a delay for the site to register my updating of Sync 3. But it's now many weeks since I've done that. However, upon seeing your message, I tried again (what do I risk?) So I once again uploaded the .xml file, but after that, the web page auto-refreshes, and I'm back where I started. The web site still believes that I'm on version 3.4.21194, whereas I'm quite sure it's 3.4.22251 on my car, and I'm still going round in circles.

I'm tempted to download from the Syncnavigation site: won't the VIN number be enough to identify the car as a French / European Ford Explorer, and point to the correct map set?
Hello , I have talked with the Ford importer in the Netherlands , there is a problem with the updating of the site to show your sync update , just go to your dealer and they will install the maps update. Please do not search for the update yourself , I did that and have by mistake installed the maps for North America on my European system . The system is now buggered , I am not able to install the european maps anymore while there is not enough memory anymore.

Hello, many thanks for this additional info. The website not updating was driving me mad.

I'm fairly sure that without your warning, I would have ended up making the same mistake.

I'll be sure to have my dealer install the update. While I'm at it, I'll ask them about your faulty install, maybe they'll come up with a clue.

Thanks again for sharing your experience; hope I can find a way to help you in return. BR, Daniel
