The #BigRedBastard Build | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The #BigRedBastard Build


January 19, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Houston Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer
This is the build of my 1993 Ex. I got Her this year from my brother. She came a little built rolling on 33's with a 6 inch lift (3 in body, 3 in suspension). She has a cracked bumper that my brother and dad built and a 10000 pound winch. Has an aftermarket exhaust that sounds wimpy, also rocking Some 12 inch subs. Needless to say shes pretty well done. Right when I got her I started on a center console but currently it is not finished. Its setup for air horns but they need work done to get them running in tip top shape. Also I had a 52 curved light bar mounted that I wired up to the Console. I have the gears for a 4:10 swap but waiting on garage space to swap them out. I'm Planning on building new bumpers front and rear with tire storage and room for gas cans. I Also plan on fabricating a Quick Disconnect for my swing arm for trailing and a roof rack. I'm a Texan High school student in Welding and Auto Mechanic classes so I'm equipped with the skills I need to make this what I want (just need to save up the money to do so :D). I will post photos soon as I am currently writing this in class (wonder why my grades are the way they are :D) But toon in if you wanna see how she turns out :thumbsup::exporange

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It has been a while but here is a quick update. I finished my center console and it is working well the, switch panel in it works and makes life a lot easier. The train horns are in full effect and are working well for now. I replaced the Gibson muffler I had with a flow master series 50 and she sounds mean now. I'm working on some ideas for lights, I would like some clear head and brake lights as well as a nice under glow setup that I can show off at some local shows ( I'm take suggestions please leave a comment). Also new tires are in the near future so i can go to some off road parks this summer! I'm looking to finish my gear swap as well probably this weekend, fingers crossed.

Its a free country, but please don't ruin that explorer with "under glow" fast and furious crap.

Im probably not going to because the under glow is stupid expencive and id rather spend the money somewhere else

Things like that can be neat and a fun project but in the end, it's just a novelty that wears off. Unless you use it for rock climbing at night, it's kinda pointless. Flood lights at the doors that trigger with the interior lights are practical and neat looking though.

Update:getting some new tires tomorrow and some spacers hopefully they will look good. Haven't decided about the under glow its a waist of money but if i have some change laying around i might. I got a killer deal on a set of new subs and a ported box and they are stupid loud. thinking about putting an exhaust cut out in front of the cat but id like to know if anyone has heard a 4.0 with straight headers.mounted a new compressor for the horns but need to bullet proof the wiring under there cause I'm having some troubles with it. I have an extra 4.0 motor i was thinking about building for maximum performance but I'm thinking about a 422 cam and some 10.5 /1 compression pistons, port and polished the whole nine yards but I'm pricing everything. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated i enjoy reading feedback!

It's been 5 months. Any pics of the build?

Awesome Gen 1!
I like the stance, the color, the ruggedness.
You've done a great build!

The new tires are on and look sick I'm trying to get some wheel spacers on but it seems like the only thing i can do to make them fit is to cut the stock lugs flush with the spacer. I'll add more recent pics when I'm finished with the wheels.

UPDATE: 410 swap is finally done. had some troubles and arguing with rock auto about the wrong gears being sent to me but decided to cut my losses and order from a different site. While removing the pumpkin i realized that my stock one had a hole in it... good thing i had an extra laying around. but finally got them in. Need to replace some old tire rod ends and then shes off for an alignment. This weekend I'm heading out to a local off road park with some friends to put the gears and new mudders to use. I ended up removing my flow master muffler for a cat back straight pipe and it sounds good but I'm thinking about removing my secondary cat because she just doesn't have the sound I'm after. I also want to ask does anyone know if i can replace the stock seats with aftermarket ones?

Nice truck you've got!! Not a fan of bright red but yours looks good.

UPDATE: 410 swap is finally done. had some troubles and arguing with rock auto about the wrong gears being sent to me but decided to cut my losses and order from a different site. While removing the pumpkin i realized that my stock one had a hole in it... good thing i had an extra laying around. but finally got them in. Need to replace some old tire rod ends and then shes off for an alignment. This weekend I'm heading out to a local off road park with some friends to put the gears and new mudders to use. I ended up removing my flow master muffler for a cat back straight pipe and it sounds good but I'm thinking about removing my secondary cat because she just doesn't have the sound I'm after. I also want to ask does anyone know if i can replace the stock seats with aftermarket ones?

Yeah, replacement of seats are easy, but retain the stock sliders to make things easier otherwise there can be some fab work involved..
