The brake lights on my 2002 Ranger don't work. The switch & fuse are good. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The brake lights on my 2002 Ranger don't work. The switch & fuse are good.


New Member
February 20, 2010
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City, State
brandon ms
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 ranger
i have ck fuses and bulb and replaced the brakelight switch but still have no brake light!even the 3 brake light doesnt work so i assume that rules out light module!help

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no i havent where would they be located

No, I don't have the wiring diagram. There is fire coming out of the brake light switch!

the brake switch is good we ck the old switch and it cks good also !dont know its got me!but thanks for your time

does anybody know where the light control module is located on a 2002 ford rsnger xtra cab

The brake switch are very bad on these vehicles. I would just replace it, Autozone got it under $10 for a new one.

I would wire a headlight in place of the brake switch. This will power the brake lights on all the time and allow you to diagnose the short. The headlight will be bright and you can wiggle around wires till you find the short, making the lamp dimmer. Nice thing about shorts is they usually aren't solid connections. A little movement will cause them to unshort. That indicates you are close and can then hone in on it. I always have a couple headlights around with one element burned out.

Found the problem at the master switch in the steering wheel wire in harness was backout of plug connection at mutipurpose switch!plastic lock in harness was broken!repaired and alls working now thanks guys for all the expert advist!

Found the problem at the master switch in the steering wheel wire in harness was backout of plug connection at mutipurpose switch!plastic lock in harness was broken!repaired and alls working now thanks guys for all the expert advist!

I have been trying to fix my neices truck without any luck. I am not a mechanic but good with directions. Where did you locate this? She has the third brake, but no rear brakes. They said it was the BPP, but it is still doing it. I tried tracing wires, but I am lost. The BPP give me almost 12 volts. I can't find anywhere else to test. Nothing coming back to the brakes though.

wires was back at the harness aT THE TURNSINGLE MAster switch !take cover of steering coluum to expose tthe turn signal swith!the third brake light by passes turn signal on a circit of its on!hopes this helps!
