The Impossible Quiz anyone beat it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Impossible Quiz anyone beat it?


Explorer Addict
September 6, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Pella, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Sport and '89 B2
So I found this quiz on the other day called the impossible quiz. It is pretty much the most random, frustrating, addicting game I've found. Right now I'm stuck on question #56. Here's the link to the game.

Anyone know how to beat question 56?

Have fun with this at work on friday... :salute:

edit: Sorry Froader, I just saw this is a repost in the hump day flash thread...

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Wow. That is annoying. But I played for half an hour. Here's one I ran into a while back. This thing wil drive ya nuts.

Im on this site all the time....they have new games every friday.....some are pretty good.

on number 15, neigh whinny, any clues? :D

Spell it out...

Spent 1 hr got to 23 I HATE
I'll go back later...

Boy that is annoying! I put in a half hour and only got to 58. How many questions are there?

My attention span isn't that long. Good Luck!

wow got to 53 and said to h#ll with it and there are 110 question that is ridiculous
