Time to say "Good bye." | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Time to say "Good bye."

Four Wheel Drive

New Member
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Lakes, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 Ex. E.B.
Well, it's been a short ride. I bought my 2006 Eddie Bauer in April, 2011 and the new owner is picking it up tonight. So, it's good bye.

Ultimately, I never did fall in love with it, though it really was my wife's and she did love it. But the gas mileage and cost were too much. She was using it to commute, and the gas bill was hundreds of dollars a month. I think we were getting 14-15 mpg.

It is a pretty car and I'm a little sad to see it go, but not real sad. I got offered $11,500 on a trade in, which was insulting, and I got $14,500 from a private sale. It has 57K miles and is in excellent condition.

I might get a new Mustang.

So long!

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V6 or V8 Explorer?

Best of luck. The Mustang could be fun!

V6 or V8 Explorer?

Best of luck. The Mustang could be fun!

V8. He picked it up last night. It was really running sweet and he got a great buy. Now, I just hope the Cashier's Check clears.

Were you expecting better? Seems strange to buy a V8-powered vehicle, then be surprised at 14-15mpg?

PS - Be sure you know what mileage a Mustang gets before you guy, or you might be trading in for a Focus in March. Bye!

You could stick around this site for a while since we have a Ford/Lincoln/Mercury section. There are a lot of members with Mustangs on this site so you're not alone. Besides, where else would you go for repair information?

Oh, I'll lurk around. I'm not going far. I just mean, I won't have an Eddie Bauer to kick around any more.

When life styles and needs change so do the cars and trucks folks drive. For those of us that love cars and love to drive most don't care about gas mileage. The important thing is to buy American!

Here's a suggestion. Take the 14G's and buy a 2010 explorer. That's the ticket!

I think that when my '06 bite's the dust, that's exactly what I'll do. I can't see owning a Gen V. I picked up my '06 three years ago for $12,500. You ought to be able to find something for 14.5.

Got mine with 8k miles on it for $24K back in April.

Were you expecting better? Seems strange to buy a V8-powered vehicle, then be surprised at 14-15mpg?

PS - Be sure you know what mileage a Mustang gets before you guy, or you might be trading in for a Focus in March. Bye!

I get 15-16mpg for around town and 19-20 on serious highway driving during road trips.

I get 15-16mpg for around town and 19-20 on serious highway driving during road trips.

That's what I get with mine (V8) when driven fairly conservatively, otherwise closer to 15 around town and 19 highway.
