torsion twist, shock trouble busted shocks | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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torsion twist, shock trouble busted shocks

green machine

Active Member
April 10, 2000
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Vancouver, WA
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96 XLT
I installed the procomp addaleaf, war 153 shackles, and torqued the torsions up 1.5 " I have 31's under there and looking nice with plenty of room. I put some ProComp 9000's all the way around.

On problem! my front axles are rubbing against the shocks! I didn't realize it till I saw the fluid running out of the shocks! ruined both of them and wearing on the axle.

Any suggestions? Anyone else experience this? What type of REASONALBLY priced shocks is every one else using. I see that the procomps have a thick base unlike the shockers that were inverted. Any suggestions???

Can't be buying new shocks every week,

And dang, it is squeeky with non working shocks!

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It probably would have happened without the torsion lift. There are visible signs on my front axles where they are wearing on the shock boots on my Edelbrock shocks. Actually there was a label on my axle and the label has been worn though to the metal underneith. I couldn't imagin putting a large diameter shock in there without it rubbing. I would look for one that is inverted such as the Edelbrock or factory shocks. Probably several other choices, but I wouldn't try putting a shock there that isn't.

yep, Thats what i thought too. The shocks are 1" longer then stock. Has anyone else experience the procomp 9000 on the front of the explorer? what to do?

I ran the Edelbrocks with no problem and now have the new Gabriel VST's you can buy at Pep Boys for $19.99 and am very satisfied with them. On both, the bottom shock shafts are 1/2" in diameter and do not get near the axle.


so it looks like the use of the procomp 9000's are out of the question?

Any one else run into this problem? It must be an issue, I don't see how I can be the only one who tourqued up the torsions, and put on new shocks. I have never read anyone else commenting on this problem. Any others? other solutions?

Do the Procomps not have a stem on the bottom of the shock like the stock ones, the OME Nitro Chargers,and Edelbrocks do? If they don't then those shocks are not really made for the Explorer. All the shocks I have seen for the Explorer are made with a stem that moves the body of the shock up and out of the way of the axle.

not sure if this would work, but i have heard of peole mounting the shocks upside down.


What type of stem are you refering to? they came with a looped bottom that I place the metal housing through and then bolted that to the A - arm. Different shock set up then I have ever seen. I don't see how it would be possible to mount the shocks upside down. This set of shocks had the same set up as the stockers, except the body of the shock is near the A-arm and not the engine.

I was thinking of using the Pro-Comp 9000's myself . I read that they can be mounted Inverted to prevent any rubbing. I would give'em a call and ask for any solutions. How did you like them, Before the rubbing problem ? How did they effect the ride??Later,Rand.


The shocks are awsome when they have fluid in them. I got them from 4wheel parts wholesalers for $29 a piece. Not bad I thought. I didn't know they could be mounted up side down. I don't see any way that is possible, but I will ask. Tell me if you hear anything! I would recommend the shocks for sure. I had 3000's on a ranger and felt they were equivalent to the 5000 ranchos. These are just as good as anything else

Re: 9000's

Originally posted by green machine
The shocks are awsome when they have fluid in them. I got them from 4wheel parts wholesalers for $29 a piece. Not bad I thought. I didn't know they could be mounted up side down. I don't see any way that is possible, but I will ask. Tell me if you hear anything! I would recommend the shocks for sure. I had 3000's on a ranger and felt they were equivalent to the 5000 ranchos. These are just as good as anything else

So wat happened with the shocks? What is the best shocks to use without problems?

use ranchos

The Rancho RSX's are the best! They come with a longer post to clear the axle. In addition they ride like a dream. If anyone tells you that any shock will fit, they are full of BS. The shock is required to have a long stem on the bottom to clear the axle. Rancho is the only off road company that makes one with longer length.
