Transmission fluid change..worth it at this point? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Transmission fluid change..worth it at this point?


Active Member
December 12, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
07 explorer
I have 2007 explorer V8 with about 150k miles on it. I went to dealership have my transmission fluid changed about 75k. Assuming they actually changed it (never know really, I dont trust dealership much), It has been decent.

I dont know how much longer I will be keeping this car. Might get another car in about an year or so which is about 15k miles. Should I leave it be or change the fluid?

I have seen the youtube video posted by makuloco. My question is..should I really open up the transmission case or just use a pump to suck the fluid out?

If I open it up, are these following parts and tool match what I need? (I think I have 6r60, use Mercon SP)
I dont think I need to buy the gasket..or should I? Any suggest on the impact wrench? Thanks|54&Model=Explorer|663&Year=2007|2007&ie=UTF8&n=15684181&s=automotive&vehicleId=3&vehicleType=automotive

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I replaced mine on my 06 at 60, 120, 185k using flushes at the dealer, and then dropped the pan myslef at around 210k and replaced the filter as well. It was surprisingly clean and the magnet was clean. It still pulls strong at 229k. Those 6r60 are not that bad.

I used hand tools, and I managed to snap one of the tran pan bolts. Make sure you get the old o-ring from the filter out of the valve body.

I replaced mine on my 06 at 60, 120, 185k using flushes at the dealer, and then dropped the pan myslef at around 210k and replaced the filter as well. It was surprisingly clean and the magnet was clean. It still pulls strong at 229k. Those 6r60 are not that bad.

I used hand tools, and I managed to snap one of the tran pan bolts. Make sure you get the old o-ring from the filter out of the valve body.

Did you just crawl under the car? was it easy to do? Did the fluid make a mess when you open the pan? Thanks

Thanks for the tips. Do I need to buy the yellow thingy to check fluid level or it is there once I pull out the lug?

The yellow dipstick should be there under the hex 19 mm nut. Mine was gone, somebody kept it when they did one of the tranny flushes. I just bought a new set (nut+dipstick) from the dealer.

How do you get that 19mm nut out? Mine is stuck...any trick? thanks

Try the box end of a combination wrench if you have one. It does have an o-ring type gasket seal, but should break free without a lot of resistance.

Mine was stuck too, just use the closed end of the 19 mm wrench like Bill said, and then use 18 mm as an extension.

Thanks guys, I ordered a 6 point close end..I used 12 point 3/4 yesterday, didnt work quite well. Just need to find a way to exert the force I think...

I used 12 point 19 mm, closed end on the nut, open end hanging down, then I took 18 mm closed end, loop it on the open end of 19 mm and you have twice the torque.

I did several trans fluid/filter changes myself. When I got our 07 XLT it had 140,x.. miles on it and was sluggish. Did the initial filter/fluid change and it helped immensely. The fluid was a little dark but not horrible. I recently got a deal on Amsoil fluid and swapped that in at 170,000 with a fliter change. I also added a drain plug from an air compressor to make the entire fluid swap simpler. I only did the multiple changes of the fluid because I didn't know the maintenance history of the truck and the NC heat doesn't bode well for high mileage vehicles.

I do recomend the Amsoil. Through my own research it appears to be more stable at high temperatures for longer periods. Several others on here swear by it. Only time will tell but I am very happy with it thus far. I don't tow an excessive amount of weight, typically around 2,500lbs around town and have experienced no issues.

Arg....So i got the 19mm out without problem once I used the technique with 2 wrenches. My new problem is the little bolts holding the pan. I cant remove them with the regular wrench because they were stripping. Did you guys have to use impact wrench for them? They are 8mm right? Any tool suggestion? Thanks.

EDIT: one side of the bolts are kinda blocked the a pipe, use impact wrench with extension?

I got those small bolts off with a 1/4" drive. Hose them down with some WD-40, PB Blaster, etc when its cold. Drive it around and get it hot then hose them down again. Let sit overnight and should come right out.
