Trolley jack anyone? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Trolley jack anyone?


Explorer Addict
July 6, 2009
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Leicester, UK
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No Ex at the mo
Hi guys
Today i was gonna take the gearbox off the project car but when i got the trolley jack out of its box the bottom was all full of oil. Tested the jack and no worky. Spent a couple of hours faffing trying to refill with oil to get it working but no joy. It was a cheapish 2 tonne i bought well over 10 years ago and and it has served me well so it was about due to go **** up.
So on my way home i thought i'd pop in to halfords just to see what they have to offer thinking anything i would want would be overpriced and i'd end up at machinemart or somewhere else.
I then found this Halfords 2.25 quick lift

£35 down from £80, i'll have some of that.

Its a heavy bugger but i'm well pleased with the deal. only prob now is i'm gonna have to wait til next weekend to use it.

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My friend has that same jack. The jack I have has a wide "cup" so it's awkward to use with the Explorer but the Halfords one works great, and the quick lift action is really handy too.

HMmm, mine is over ten year old and lives outside! Me thinks I best get a new one before I get pancaked under the Ex.

HMmm, mine is over ten year old and lives outside! Me thinks I best get a new one before I get pancaked under the Ex.

Of course you do use jack stands, but you gotta get under there to put them under!!!
I had looked at a couple back in the summer but could not justify it to myself as my old one was workin albeit not too high and lots of pumping to raise.
So karma has told me to get a new one now as i have enough spare cash this month.

So you gonna buy one of these H?
The reviews are good online and rob above says its good so i lucked out.

hi jan
sounds like the one i have from halfords .i have been giving it lots of use over the six months i have had it and always does the job . my one has R.A.C. logos on it . cheers chris
