two wheel drive lift on 4x4. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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two wheel drive lift on 4x4.


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2007
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City, State
snohomish, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
hey, ive got a 91 expo 4x4, and ive got a buddy thats selling a lift kit that hes got on a 92 ranger, i know the lifts off the rangers fit. i just wanted to make sure they will still fit if the truck is two wheel drive.

i want this to work out cause its a 6" kit and hes said i can have tires (33s) the lift and the 3.0 motor all for $300. the trans went out on the truck. but i just wanted to double check that the lift will fit. thanks.

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NO. The 2wd lift brackets are different from the 4wd brackets. The reason they are different is the engine cross members are different.

so.. what would need to be bought or made in addition to this kit? all the brackets?

All the brackets are completely different.

thanks man.
