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Unable to download sync update


The way I understand it is that there are two types of updates. The update that changes the version number from 2.4 to 2.8 to 2.11 and minor updates that keep the same number but fix bugs. The first one can only be done by dealer. The second can be done by consumers. I'm still new at this but if this is correct, then Ford should make this a little more clear on their site. I can see how this can get confusing.
Where I worked, these minor updates were referred to as 'patches'.

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Hey everyone!

Currently, MFT doesn't have any available D.I.Y. software installs. If you are having any problems with your system, please feel free to PM with your concerns and I will let you know if it's covered on the 2.11 update.


Hey everyone!

Currently, MFT doesn't have any available D.I.Y. software installs. If you are having any problems with your system, please feel free to PM with your concerns and I will let you know if it's covered on the 2.11 update.

Rebecca, I have a 2011 Explorer and I have been trying to install a sync update to MFT as suggested on my Ford website. Are you saying I cannot perform an update? I believe I am trying to upgrade to Gen 2 Ver. 2.11 from Gen2 V2.7. I talked to a Ford rep on the phone today and told her I was unable to complete the upgrade because it hangs up at the same spot all the time. After going through several steps and getting a blank screen and then a 'system update" (not sure of the message) it hangs up on file 3 of 7 (BT4T-14F497-AP.zip). She said take it to a dealer to have them install it but I really don't want to pay them to perform an update I should be able to perform. Should I be able to perform the upgrade?

Rebecca, I have a 2011 Explorer and I have been trying to install a sync update to MFT as suggested on my Ford website. Are you saying I cannot perform an update? I believe I am trying to upgrade to Gen 2 Ver. 2.11 from Gen2 V2.7. I talked to a Ford rep on the phone today and told her I was unable to complete the upgrade because it hangs up at the same spot all the time. After going through several steps and getting a blank screen and then a 'system update" (not sure of the message) it hangs up on file 3 of 7 (BT4T-14F497-AP.zip). She said take it to a dealer to have them install it but I really don't want to pay them to perform an update I should be able to perform. Should I be able to perform the upgrade?
To the best of my knowledge, there is no charge to have this upgrade done by the dealer.

Dealer will do no charge.
Are you sure your waiting long enough for the update to download to MFT?
Took me about 40 minutes to do and at times it seemed like it froze.
You could also try erasing the usb flash drive and downloading 2.11 again.

Maybe you should just wait for the redsign/upgrade coming next quarter.
That is if your not having major problems.

Hope this helps.

Dealer will do no charge.
Are you sure your waiting long enough for the update to download to MFT?
Took me about 40 minutes to do and at times it seemed like it froze.
You could also try erasing the usb flash drive and downloading 2.11 again.

Maybe you should just wait for the redsign/upgrade coming next quarter.
That is if your not having major problems.

Hope this helps.

Yes, waited for almost an hour multiple times. I tried erasing the flash drive multiple times. I guess I am stubborn and wanted to be able to do this myself rather take take it to a dealer. I am not having any problems with V2.7 - just wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of MFT and also not get too far behind in the updates because that can sometimes be a problem.

Sorry I couldn't help. Sounds like dealer time. I think I would just wait a couple of months for the big update unless my Ex needed other work done to it.

Yes, waited for almost an hour multiple times. I tried erasing the flash drive multiple times. I guess I am stubborn and wanted to be able to do this myself rather take take it to a dealer. I am not having any problems with V2.7 - just wanted to make sure I was getting the most out of MFT and also not get too far behind in the updates because that can sometimes be a problem.

den6321 -

Did you end up going to your dealer? If not, please PM me your VIN so I can look into this further for you.


