Update: Emergency Brake Pad Change 1997 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Update: Emergency Brake Pad Change 1997 Explorer

Sid Daley

Well-Known Member
January 6, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Surrey B.C.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT Sohc
Initially I was under the impression that this would be a much tougher job then it turned out to be. I had heard that it was much easier if the axles were pulled, as it turns out if you have ever done a drum brake job before it's not much harder. The axle flange makes it a little tight to work but outside of that quite a easy job.

I created a emergency brake repair PDF from my Ford CD and if anyone would like it simply email me at sid_daley@yahoo.ca with "emergency brake" in the subject of the mail and I would be glad to send it to you. It's quite a small file 215k.

Back yard mechanic difficulty rating 5/10

Btw: The old pads were down to metal, almost like the pads disintegrated, probably never changed so they lasted 6 years.


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PM a mod and if its not a copyright violation, it'd be nice to have your PDF in the list of useful threads.

I don't know who would have told you that you needed to pull the axles(I assume somebody meant axle shafts), but the e-brake is only on the back (as you know now) and there's only one axle back there. Not too bad of a job, glad you got it done.

I know at the Ford dealerships, they remove the axles. Which is how I got a new carrier, or some such in my old one. I did it to the new one(actually just one side) with the axle in place. Gets a little tricky, but it can easily be done.

Wow. That surprises me. I got mine replaced by my family's mechanic at home in about an hour, no axle removal necessary.

Took me about 1 1/2 hours, not to bad at all. I actually had myself believing it would be a bear of a job so I'm very happy it turned out to be moderately simple.


jayhawkexplorer said:
Wow. That surprises me. I got mine replaced by my family's mechanic at home in about an hour, no axle removal necessary.

I like to remove the axles. It takes an extra 5 minutes... well worth it, and get a diff. service out of it too.

Do you need to pull the kingpin and then remove the c-clips before the axles come out? I also hear that the seals need a hydraulic press to be removed without doing potential damage?


Eneurb said:
I like to remove the axles. It takes an extra 5 minutes... well worth it, and get a diff. service out of it too.

Sid Daley said:

I created a emergency brake repair PDF from my Ford CD and if anyone would like it simply email me at sid_daley@yahoo.ca with "emergency brake" in the subject of the mail and I would be glad to send it to you. It's quite a small file 215k.


Sid, Send it to me, and let me take a look at it, to see if we can just post it in the useful threads forum. I'm sure there would be quite a few people who would like to have access to this, since most EB's don't work.

Hi Ray, I'd love to send it to you but I can't do an attachment on the board's e-mail. If you could send me your e-mail I'll send it.


Ray Lobato said:
Sid, Send it to me, and let me take a look at it, to see if we can just post it in the useful threads forum. I'm sure there would be quite a few people who would like to have access to this, since most EB's don't work.

Email sent! :thumbsup:
