Updating sync image? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Updating sync image?


New Member
December 18, 2013
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2011 Explorer
I went to update myford touch this morning with my usb drive. It completed the the first stage then the screen went blank and now a screen pops up saying updating sync image-waiting for usb storage device.

I tried the fuse 29 I've tried batter but nothing seems to work. Has anyone seen this before?

I can't access anything on the screen and the screen is black 95% of the time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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You might try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. I've seen some claims that this has worked in some cases on the Focus forum.

I went to update myford touch this morning with my usb drive. It completed the the first stage then the screen went blank and now a screen pops up saying updating sync image-waiting for usb storage device.

I tried the fuse 29 I've tried batter but nothing seems to work. Has anyone seen this before?

I can't access anything on the screen and the screen is black 95% of the time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Welcome to the Forum Vdellefave.:wavey:
There is a thread in the 'Sticky' section you might want to check out;

Not saying it will work for you but you can give it a try.

Also, it would be very helpful for the members in addressing any future concerns if added the model to your profile so that it shows in the left margin.
Good luck.


You might try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. I've seen some claims that this has worked in some cases on the Focus forum.
Welcome to the Forum Lewisra.:wavey:
As I mentioned in my post to Vdellefave it would be very helpful for the members in addressing any future concerns if added the model to your profile so that it shows in the left margin. Not all models may have the same issues or fixes. Enjoy your 2014 ??? Explorer and happy motoring.


Welcome to the Forum Lewisra.:wavey:
As I mentioned in my post to Vdellefave it would be very helpful for the members in addressing any future concerns if added the model to your profile so that it shows in the left margin. Not all models may have the same issues or fixes. Enjoy your 2014 ??? Explorer and happy motoring.


Will do, when I get one. Still trying to figure out what I(actually my wife :D) want in one. :thumbsup:

I went to update myford touch this morning with my usb drive. It completed the the first stage then the screen went blank and now a screen pops up saying updating sync image-waiting for usb storage device.

I tried the fuse 29 I've tried batter but nothing seems to work. Has anyone seen this before?

I can't access anything on the screen and the screen is black 95% of the time. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Hi, Vdellefave,

Welcome to the forum! I suggest clearing your USB flash drive, re-downloading the update, and then trying to install again. If that doesn't work, please see your dealer for testing. Either way, let me know how it goes.

