USB Plug not sending Data/Charging | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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USB Plug not sending Data/Charging


Active Member
February 1, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Lexington, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2022 Explorer Timberline
Starting having an issue with my USB porting in the front of my console. They light up like there's power going to them, but nothing seems to be coming out of them. I had been using the USB-C for my Android Auto earlier this weekend, but out of no where it starting not charging my phones, and not connected. Yes, I tried both the USB-C and the old school USB port, tried multiple cables in both, but no luck on anything.

Wasn't sure if anyone had seen this, and saw it's an easy fix like a fuse or connector that came unplugged or not. Just don't want to go to the dealership if it isn't too hard to fix on my own


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Have you checked to see if there is a fuse for that?


Have you checked to see if there is a fuse for that?

TBH, not yet.... I just noticed it last night and it was still doing it this morning. And unfortunately I've actually had to work today, haha. I was going to start digging into it when I got home tonight, was putting this out there in case someone had seen it before, just to give me a place to start

Starting having an issue with my USB porting in the front of my console. They light up like there's power going to them, but nothing seems to be coming out of them. I had been using the USB-C for my Android Auto earlier this weekend, but out of no where it starting not charging my phones, and not connected. Yes, I tried both the USB-C and the old school USB port, tried multiple cables in both, but no luck on anything.

Wasn't sure if anyone had seen this, and saw it's an easy fix like a fuse or connector that came unplugged or not. Just don't want to go to the dealership if it isn't too hard to fix on my own

View attachment 451053
Check your phone. My Android USB jack on the Samsung phone failed and will not work for charging or data. Fortunately I can charge on a wireless pad in the car or at home, but only transfer data via Bluetooth. Replacing the USB jack in the phone is not worth the expense.

Turned out there is another plug hiding behind the console panel on the driver's side. It just came undone, luckily nothing too bad, but could have been an annoying snipe hunt trying to find that problem with a dealer. I've attached a couple pictures to show where it is incase anyone has this happen in the future.

@peterk9 I saw someone in a different thread post about this too, maybe in a PIU. I know I saw you had commented on it, could you link this to their post? Hoping it might help them out.





Turned out there is another plug hiding behind the console panel on the driver's side. It just came undone, luckily nothing too bad, but could have been an annoying snipe hunt trying to find that problem with a dealer. I've attached a couple pictures to show where it is incase anyone has this happen in the future.

@peterk9 I saw someone in a different thread post about this too, maybe in a PIU. I know I saw you had commented on it, could you link this to their post? Hoping it might help them out.
I was not able to find another similar thread.

