V6 Ecoboost for new Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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V6 Ecoboost for new Explorer


December 15, 2010
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What's the word on adding the V6 Ecoboost on the Explorer? I would think to compete with the Durango this would make sense. I also think this option would bring in a new type of buyer that would normally consider an X5 or similar. An SUV/CUV with some performance, a real third row seat and decent cargo capacity would be a slam dunk. Given that the V6 Ecoboost is available already in the Flex, it doesn't seem to far fetched to me. So, Ford- how about an Explorer Titanium or SHO?

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From the mouth of the Ford Rep today at my local dealers Explorer Demo the I4 2.0 ecoboost will not bee seen until 2012. No word of the eco-boost 3.5L

Seeing how the "lesser" Flex has it, it's a safe bet to say the Explorer will get it, just a matter of when. At the rate they are going with 2011 pre-orders, I would think 2012 model at the earliest.

According to our source on this forum, there are no current plans to add the V6 EcoBoost. Unfortunately...

Thanks for the replies. I would think they would keep something like this under wraps so as not to encourage potential buyers to wait.
I won't be buying until this becomes an option.

I don't think they would do that, not good publicity. They let the Raptor owners know about the release later of the 6.2, many waited, many did not.

From the spin the Ford Rep put on the new explorer they are more trying to get the MPG miles up instead of a horsepower monster. The new V6 in the explorers will make 255 TQ and the I4 EcoBoost is 250TQ there won't be much difference in feel off the line and passing, in fact, the torque curve of the I4 is more appealing than that of the V6.

4 cylinder Ecoboost isn't an option for those who want AWD.

I think it is really all about choices- they have options available for those looking to maximize fuel economy and they should have options available for those who want more performance. The V6 Ecoboost is still pretty efficient providing 16/21 mpg in the Flex. The slight decrease in efficiency is nothing given the increase in power and torque at such low RPM. The Explorer would be a hoot to drive with this set-up and would appeal to many who would not otherwise consider it.

Given the fact that this motor is already used in the Taurus from which the Explorer's chassis comes, it would be a natural fit..

I think there are far more reasons to offer it than to not offer it.

The Explorer would be a hoot to drive with this set-up and would appeal to many who would not otherwise consider it.

Just wondering, have you driven the new Ex the way it is to make a comparison, when the 4 cylinder does come out?

4 cylinder Ecoboost isn't an option for those who want AWD.

I think it is really all about choices- they have options available for those looking to maximize fuel economy and they should have options available for those who want more performance. The V6 Ecoboost is still pretty efficient providing 16/21 mpg in the Flex. The slight decrease in efficiency is nothing given the increase in power and torque at such low RPM. The Explorer would be a hoot to drive with this set-up and would appeal to many who would not otherwise consider it.

Given the fact that this motor is already used in the Taurus from which the Explorer's chassis comes, it would be a natural fit..

I think there are far more reasons to offer it than to not offer it.

It is all about point of view. From Fords point of view it is about marketability and good business decisions.

I would love it as well with the 3.5L Ecoboost, by wifes Taurus is a blast to drive, and your right, the Explorer with 365HP would be awesome. But every good article I read it sounds like Ford did tons of research and anaysis on what combos would be the most popular, from what I read and hear, the 3.5L Ecoboost isn't making the cut in the new explorer.

Now if we are dreaming, how about an SVT Ecoboosted 3.5L Explorer?????? That is something I would pay for :)

Just wondering, have you driven the new Ex the way it is to make a comparison, when the 4 cylinder does come out?

No and even if the 4 cylinder felt the same it wouldn't matter to me as it only comes in FWD and the only one I would buy is AWD with more power.

Alright, now that I see they are making the Police Interceptor Explorer with the V6 Ecoboost, it makes even less sense that it is not an available option. They are already making them! I want one.
