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vacuum question


August 29, 2006
Reaction score
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Year, Model & Trim Level
92 sport
I am putting the engine compartment back together after a rebuild. I have an extra vacuum port on the manifold cluster and an extra on the bi-metal device on the intake above the air cleaner, but I already have a line running between them.

This is a 92 with a 5 speed. does anyone have a vacuum diagram or know enough to help me with this?

The connections I do have:
brake booster to the manifold
egr to the manifold
cruise control to the manifold
manifold to the firewall (heater control)
manifold to the bi-metal device
intake to the carbon feul gas device

I have an extra port:
on the manifold cluster
on the bi-metal device

Thanks for the help


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There should be a vacuum sticker next to the hood latch. The one I have displayed is a 91.

I don't see the one to the fuel pressure regulator.
There should be one to the vacumm reservoir. That may be the one you are calling firewall. This line is not shown on diagram as it's not a 'engine control' line.

The A/C bimetal should have a line from the vacuum tree and then a line going to the intake air blend switch.


  • Vac Man.JPG
    Vac Man.JPG
    40 KB · Views: 210

Thanks Shamaal:
This certainly helps. where is the intake air blend switch?

On the passenger side engine exhaust mainifold there is a cheap sheet metal cover that connects to a 2" hose. This is hot air. Follow that hose to the air box and at the juncture there is a vacuum door that mixes that hot air with the cold intake air. The bi-metal switch controls it.
