Vents - Is This Normal???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Vents - Is This Normal????


February 11, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Explorer Sport 2WD
OK, I have another one for you guys...
When i turn on my vents (no AC or heater, just switched on the cool side on the control panel) I get a damp smell and the windshield fogs up. Then it'll clear up after a while and all is fine. Is this normal or is something in need of repair or replacement?

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sounds liek you might have a windshield leak, coming from that rubber around the window.

Just an idea.

I think that your vent intake has water sitting in it. There is supposed to be a drain hole but it might be plugged causing rain water to sit in the low areas of the air pathway which gets sucked in / along with air flow when you open the vent.

I agree with budwich, when running on vent it shouldn't pump abnormal moisture into the cabin, I run my 2000xlt on vents almost constantly. I only use the AC for defrosting and making clients comfy when it is hot (I am a Realtor). The only time there is any moisture is after AC has been running a while and it condenses after you shut the vehicle down to show a property and forget to drop the windows.


In all but the VENT position your AC compressor cycles off/on to clear moisture from your veh. Yes, even in the HEAT FLOOR position.
So, what you describe sounds normal for the system.
