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water meth?


Well-Known Member
August 11, 2013
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Butte county
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oroville ca
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91 sas explorer
Okay so I've been looking into a water methanol injection kit and from what I've read on a turbo you can add big amounts of boost but on a high compression engine you cannot turbo it because of the compression so if you used a water meth kit couldn't you add more boost then the 4-5 psi of the high compression motor such as 5-12 psi

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Water injection does 2 things,
1. It cools the intake charge.
2, It effectively increases the octane.
Both things allow you to run more compression or boost within reason.
A good intercooler helps too.

x2 what Flash said.

I use one without boost, 50/50 mix of water and Methanol and it definitely helps with pinging. My Wideband shows a distinct richening when it is needed. I used a kit that has a controller made for NA engines and runs off the MAF sensor. Nitrous Express uses rebranded Snow Performance units. They work quite well. With boost, turbo or supercharger, it will make a substantial difference in drivability, reliability and performance.

I have a z with 10.5:1 compression and stock on an na you can only run about 5 psi so i was thinking. With water meth i could do 10 psi and itd be pretty quick with a tune just needs a few more hp

The only problems I had was tuning the turn starting set-point until I realized I started with a jet way too big despite using the smallest jet that came with the kit. Once I figured that the jet size was the core problem, I purchased the smallest one the sell and then the set-point tune was much easier. I'm sure a CPU tune would be very advantageous, I have not done so. Once a rebuild comes my way, I'll work on boost. I won't mess with boost on a high mileage stock build.

I have a z with 10.5:1 compression and stock on an na you can only run about 5 psi so i was thinking. With water meth i could do 10 psi and itd be pretty quick with a tune just needs a few more hp

Who told you couldn't run more than 5 with 10.5:1? What kind of FI is it and do you have a IC? Have larger injectors, tune?? The compression may not be why you cant go above 5lb and w/m wouldnt help any in that case...I ran 10Lbs on my 10.67:1 motor with just ic and good tune.but I have all supporting mods to allow it to run that.what I'm getting at is just because you add w/m doesn't mean you can throw another 5lbs at it safely. ..

I'm finishing my ex up and starting it so I'm going to do 3 inch exhaust probably a stand alone get turbos injectors and water meth injection it is naturally aspirated with 10.5:1 and the tt version is 8.5:1 comp I figure instead of running 15 -18 psi I could run 10 with stock turn is being more efficient and it would be pretty quick still I was mainly worried about stock internals

I'm finishing my ex up and starting it so I'm going to do 3 inch exhaust probably a stand alone get turbos injectors and water meth injection it is naturally aspirated with 10.5:1 and the tt version is 8.5:1 comp I figure instead of running 15 -18 psi I could run 10 with stock turn is being more efficient and it would be pretty quick still I was mainly worried about stock internals

Huh I don't understand that at all..I'm not one to correct anyone on grammer but throw some ""periods"" in there or something! !! But I think your saying the ex is 10.5:1 NA?? How are you coming up with that? The max boost is 10Lbs at 10.5:1you will blow gaskets after that, now matter if you have ic or water meth.

No my ex is sas now so just finishing it. My 300zx z32 is 10.5:1 and that's what I am talking about.

No my ex is sas now so just finishing it. My 300zx z32 is 10.5:1 and that's what I am talking about.

Oooo well every motor is going to be different but to go up 5lbs just from adding w/m may be a lot to ask.personally I would think just 5lbs of boost on anything over 10:1 needs a ic or w/m.going up to 10lbs would need a ic and w/m maybe just to make it stable.o and a good tune.I don't think just w/m on 10lbs and high compression would be enough ,but turbos and that motor I really know nothing about

What I've read is people running like 26 psi from 16 just adding wm so I figure a few things and a big intercooler and 10 doesn't seem to far of fetch

What I've read is people running like 26 psi from 16 just adding wm so I figure a few things and a big intercooler and 10 doesn't seem to far of fetch

Should be able to do it with just a ic and good tune.just richen it up and back timing off.at what point are they having to add w/m to be able to go up in boost? You would need to see what your boost/compression would equal in a 8.5:1 motor.. 26lbs is just crazy even at 8.5:1 and water meth.I know nothing about those motors tho.

.I do know I'm going from 10lbs@10.6:1 to 16lbs and I had to add forged bottom end and w/m ontop of my ic just to make it stable.but 16lbs at that compression is probalby like 20lbs on a 8.5:1 motor, never done the math and its a ford ohv

But every motor and FI is different. Boost is just a measure of restriction so what one person gets away with may be totally different. His 10lbs may be moving less air into the cylinders than your 5lbs

Hmm overlooked the air changes I would love to bore it 30 over and do cp pistons and maybe even shorter rods or stroke it but can't find a crankshaft and do some head work but with the na motor I figure 10 psi with wm and let it ride while I get a tt motor and build it
