what kind of equipment are all the shutterbugs using in 2012? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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what kind of equipment are all the shutterbugs using in 2012?


Explorer Addict
March 23, 2011
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Bay Area CA
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03 sport trac XLT
hey all, just wanted to know what all the shutterbugs on the forum were using for 2012.

currently, my main rig is a panasonic GF-1 micro 4/3. my glovebox cam is my lumix DMC-LC 431 from 2003. this thing is still a point and shoot beast after all these years.

i once entered a photography contest with a large cash prize for the winner. it was judged by a couple foo-foo art judges from the east coast and i won. one of the people in the contest asked me what type of lens i used for my winning photo. i told them, "actually i used this point and shoot right here. its in my pocket." the guy laughed and thought i was joking until i pulled it out and put it in his hand. i think he got pissed that he had all this crazy gear and was travelling to crazy locals, and he got beat by some kid with a point and shoot with time on his hands in san francisco.

i also shoot a lot of concert and show footage for my work, and i use a zoom qx3 with stereo condensor mics. its pretty handy, but im already looking to upgrade because the video is not HD, but the sound is unmatched. im looking to get a gopro or contour for the summer. if anyone has thoughts on these two units, please share, along with any other gear you have that you dig.

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My latest is a Nikon D7000 with a Nikkor 18-200 lens

Another new "toy" is the EyeFi card . An EyeFi card is an SDC with WiFi built in. I used it at the SEMA show last year where I was able to shoot hi res images with my D7000 and upload them to Facebook on the fly using my Android cell phone as a WiFi hotspot. Got to love the tech!!

I'm still rocking a Nikon D40 with 18-55mm, 55-200mm, and 70-300mm lenses. Soon to have a 50mm prime lens my grandparents are getting me for my birthday.
You can see some of my work in the link to my website in my signature.

If I ever get some spare cash I wanna get a D90.

I'm also shootin alot of 35mm lately. I use a Canon AE-1. My favorite camera ever. Dad had one when I was a kid and I learned most of the photography stuff I know shooting it.

There really is nothing like developing your own negatives and then using them to make prints in a darkroom. There's just something that's so cool about watching an image appear when you stick the paper in the developer.

I run a Nikon D70 I bought used fora good deal with a 18-55mm and a 55-200mm that my father-in-law lets me use. I'm still learning, but I'm having a lot of fun at the same time.

I also have a Canon AE-1 that was my mothers when I was born. It's 1 year older (36) than I am and still works great.

cool, i see you guys are big on nikon, i am too. i love the d-40, i think its a great deal and an awesome camera to learn the ways of the DSLR.

is there a sticky thread on where we can post our best shots that arent truck related? that would be awesome. also, anyone have thoughts on the gopro cam or the contour?
