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Which parts truck do I need?


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June 21, 2011
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Hello To All! My father has a 96 Explorer 2wd V8 (5.0) with auto tranny. He is wanting to put in a 5 speed instead. What would be my best donor vehichle to find the parts he needs? As in peddles,tranny, flywheel, etc... Thanks!

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Find a same year manual EX for everything but the trans. The manual ZF 5 speed will have to come out of an F-150. Check an F-150 forum for the trans specs. There are a couple threads here about that trans swap, but I haven't seen any specifics on the trans year/numbers.

The F150 never came with a ZF. It came with an M5od-r2. The Zf came in the F250-350.

Hmm, since there was never a 5 sp manual offered for the EX/Mounty 5.0, I know that the 5 sp man used for this swap came from a Ford pickup truck. I just assumed it was from the F-150. Thanks for the clarification. :thumbsup:

Don't forget to add tuning and a programmer into the budget, as custom tuning will also be needed to eliminate the transmission functions from the PCM program.
