WHOSE WATCHING mtv's Icon on Metallica right now?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WHOSE WATCHING mtv's Icon on Metallica right now??


Explorer Addict
August 9, 2002
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Anybody watching it? It's awsome. I can't wait for their new cd as it's supposed to be way better and more aggressive then load/reload.

I was supposed to go out to this bar/club w/ a bunch of people from school, finally 21 (b-day was yesterday), and they wanted to take me out for tonight, but I didn't want to miss this so I'm at home right now with 23 people from school over chilling watching this, don't worry, I'll be partying plenty hard after my last exam tomorrow (one reason I didn't want to go out tonight) ;)

It's a commercial so I came on here to see if anybody else is watching it?

SUM 41 tore it up in the begining. And damn, Aviril Lavigne did an awsome job on "Fuel".

EDIT - they just brought the troops on stage, that was so cool.

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Since they got me kicked off Napster, I can't stand those money-hungry sellouts!!

Hope you enjoy the gig tho!!:D

It's okay so far.....

Michele Branch is HOT!! :D

I'm watching......Limp Bizkit baby!! yeah! Dead Link Removed

going to summer sanitarium in july!

Never got to see them in concert yet,,,, can't wait!


I'm watching it now. (on tape) Metallica is my fave band of all time.

Watched it last night. It was pretty good. I didn't and don't like Limp Bizkit. And the Snoop Dogg thing was just stupid. KoRn kicked A$$ though! They could've used Godsmack also!

Limp Bizcuit just needs to call it quits NOW. I will say the effect they had on the guitar was good for that song. Everything else stunk.

Snoop? WTF were they thinkin?

Really I didnt care for Avrils part, but I dont think any girl could sing that song and make it sound right ya know? Damn good effort though.

Sum 41 was alot better than I expected. Aaron Lewis did awersome on Nothing Else Matters and Korn ruled the show (other than Metallica of course)

Did you guys hear the new song from St Anger at the end? OMG, it was AWESOME!! I cant wait for the new album next month

Yeah, I'm d/l'ing that song right now! I think it's great KoRn once apologized for discovering Limp Bizkit.
