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Yomies D30 SAS

Hey everyone, finally decided to post my results here.

My setup includes:

1995 High Pinion D30
Spring hangers and drag link(3/4" heims) by CRL Customs
1979 Jeep Grand wagoneer stock leaf springs
1993 Explorer steering box
Rubicon Express RE1550 22" long brake lines (bolted right up to hard lines)
Rancho RS 5036 front shocks

SOA in the rear

there are more pics here


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That is very helpful I was just going to use the yj springs and do a soa but after reading this thread and others I think I will wait and either get the 7 leaf waggy springs or maybe try the yota springs.....Actually I think I have a set of 4runner rear springs I will measure them and see if I can use them.

Thanks Again Toad

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what did you use for steering ..... high steer? i am currently undergoing a solid axle swap on my 2000 ranger and would like some tips

hey nice ride i wanted to ask did you change out the torsion bar set up along with the rack an pinion

I live in Biloxi, near the mall. I work for a contractor on keesler....small world, if you ever head down here again, lemme know!

I am running a sway bar, my shackles are 6" long and my castor seems to be at around 9.5*. I ordered some 4" straight shackles and some 4.75" 'dog legs' gonna see if they help at all.

I got the 'death wobble', violent shaking, occasionally @35 with my 33's, it didn't get worse with the 36's just stayed the same. were trying to figure it out piece by piece, but the shop recommended trying a trac bar.

The tires wondering doesn't really bother me, its the occasional death wobble that i'm getting frustrated with. Theres a guy here with a YJ SOA'd thats fighting the same battle

My 99 explorer with 4 in superlift and 33.7x12.5 does that now. At around 40-47 mph, as well as when braking at 15 mph my truck shakes very violent.
