Where the is the third bolt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Where the is the third bolt


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
I've been trying to replace my starter that finally went out on my 91 monday night it's getting cold here and I would just like to know where the location of the 3 bolts are. And make sure there 13mm and 15mm for tomorrow or Sunday

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I just did a starter on a 4.6l. The third bolt was above the solenoid completely blocked from view. I got to it with a shallow 13mm on an extension barely longer than the starter solenoid. All three bolts were 13mm on this motor.

Hmm, a 91 can only have the 4.0 engine, and I’m pretty sure there’s only two bolts holding it on.
Flash flood, why do you think there’s three?

View attachment 176422 Hmm, a 91 can only have the 4.0 engine, and I’m pretty sure there’s only two bolts holding it on.
Flash flood, why do you think there’s three?
Thank you so much RangerX I've did research and the only thing I found was the 3 bolt starter so I just figured it was with all explorers and I think the main reason I thought there was is a lot of the research I did was on second gens

all 95-01 explorers have 2 bolt starters
Its the friggin Mustang with that crappy 3rd bolt that is dang near impossible to get to
