Help finding correct part number....... (Heated seat) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Help finding correct part number....... (Heated seat)


November 21, 2019
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2016 Explorer 3.5L XLT
Hey everyone,

I recently had my 16 xlt in for power train warranty service and while there I asked them to check out the drivers heated seat. It quit working, even though the lights still come on both the screen and button. They told me it was the heat pad/mat and quoted $550 for replacement (3/36 warranty expired). I really want it to work since I live in WI, but that seemed pretty steep from labor i'm guessing. I am a handy guy and figured I could tackle it but I can't seem to find the part number. I located the part for older models 2014-15, but can't seem to find it on any dealers parts websites for my 2016. Anyone have thought or insight on this? Thanks!!

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Why not just go down to your dealers parts department and ask them?

Why not just go down to your dealers parts department and ask them?
I could I suppose, but it is unlikely that I would buy from them so it seems like i'm making them do extra work. Prices are typically much less online. Sort of like test driving a car when you have no interest in buying it. And they are 30 mins away in each direction.

I looked there but didn't see anything on seats or their assemblies.

I could I suppose, but it is unlikely that I would buy from them so it seems like i'm making them do extra work. Prices are typically much less online. Sort of like test driving a car when you have no interest in buying it. And they are 30 mins away in each direction.

I figure that is what the parts department is there for. I doubt that you could get a much better price since the item doesn't appear on parts diagrams, at least ones that I have seen. You could always call the folks at White Bear Lake and talk to them and see what they can do for you.

I looked there but didn't see anything on seats or their assemblies.

I figure that is what the parts department is there for. I doubt that you could get a much better price since the item doesn't appear on parts diagrams, at least ones that I have seen. You could always call the folks at White Bear Lake and talk to them and see what they can do for you.

Not a bad idea, they are one of the lower priced OEM parts dealers out there!
