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5th Gen Explorer Photo Thread

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Once again, thank you so much!! I will look into a content meter as my next purchase. Kind of surprised LMS doesn't offer one, tbh...

Actually, it doesn't surprise me...I can't stand LMS.

Here is my 2017 Explorer Sport with a few mods...

Welcome to the Forum Albert. :wave:


My 2018 XLT...
Bob's 2018 XLT.JPG

Yes, I did!

I did not like the simple, very-basic "5-spoke" rims that originally came with it, and thought these were far better-looking. (Good catch, by the way)!

I also got rid of the 4 lower door body panels that came with the chrome strips, and replaced them with the plain black panels. I also replaced the rear tailgate chrome strip with the gloss-black version that comes on the Sport edition. I don't like a lot of chrome flashiness, I guess!

I've always liked those wheels.👍

My 03 limited finally went after 250345 miles on it lol and it was still a beast till it went. Got my new X..A 2011 limited.in silver. I did a few things to it already. Black rims,explore on the hood.Led headlights,fogs and marker lights black grill. Few other things and can’t be any happier. It’s not the sport but hey. You know the saying. You can’t always get what you want lol. But I love it. And it’s the 3.5 N/A motor with 86.675 on it from the original owner. Great shape and only looking better. Will post pics once I learn how to.. haven’t been on here for a few years so I don’t know if I’m even posting this right.

Hey, SixPonies, where did you find those cool-looking red inserts on the rear of your ride? Are those stick-on vinyl lettering, or something else?

I really like that look!

Hey, SixPonies, where did you find those cool-looking red inserts on the rear of your ride? Are those stick-on vinyl lettering, or something else?

I really like that look!

Check Etsy. That’s where I got the black ones for my Explorer.

Thanks for the suggestion; I did find these (in red) on Etsy, as you said, and ordered a set tonight!

Thanks, SixPonies!

I've ordered a set that are actually colored inserts, and then a set of the decal-versions from TVD, and will decide which version looks the best once I get them both!

I want to get the letter inserts and the black ford ovals.

I have added mud flaps (splash guards?) since this was taken.


I got a slew of vinyl samples in the mail last week. I was thinking about wrapping it in some color shift vinyl but they are all too much pink or purple.

I ordered both the red plastic inserts, and the vinyl decal versions, but decided to use the plastic insert version, mainly because it seemed to be a little easier to do a peel-and-stick method for these complicated letter shapes. Installation was pretty easy.


  • Sample Red Logo1.jpg
    Sample Red Logo1.jpg
    378.7 KB · Views: 207

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Bob, it looks good!
