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List of Useful Threads wiring diagram

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i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!

I'm doing a 5.0 swap into my 2002 ST. Do you have the pin outs for the PCM and the 42 pin engine connections for both? Thanks

i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!
Hey friend I'm Luis new to site. But I have a 2008 ford explorer 4.6L V8 Eddie Bauer if you can kind person thank you

i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!
could you post a diagram for air conditioning on a 17 limited explorer

i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!

Hello I own a 2002 Ford Explorer XLT 4.0 sohc VIN number k and I need the engine wiring harness and fuel injector diagram
Thank you sincerely

He hasn’t been online in 3 years.

sorry for the delay


  • E2NEN03J.PDF
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i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!
I wonder if these are still available, and do you have a transmission wiring diagram for a 2007 Explorer 4.6, 6R60 transmission? Thanks

I wonder if these are still available, and do you have a transmission wiring diagram for a 2007 Explorer 4.6, 6R60 transmission? Thanks


And I have the wiring diagrams for the '00 Explorer which should be good for the '99 to '01. The '96 to '98 have some changes to transmission wiring.

Let me know if I can help.
Hi there,
I have 99 explorer XLT 4.0 SOHC
4 WD I could really use the wiring diagram. Nothing urgent today, but had to hunt down examples few months ago.

It is great to see that you still have these. I must clarify my need, the wiring from the connector at the back of the transmission along the passenger side and up to the controlling module, is what I need. It appears to have gotten to close to the Cat converter heat shield and possibly melted or a wire is broken inside. I am getting a code po770, solenoid E. If I move the wires it will go away. move again and it comes back. About 7 wires, I need to know which one I am chasing , to make the job much easier. Thanks For any help, Dan

It is great to see that you still have these. I must clarify my need, the wiring from the connector at the back of the transmission along the passenger side and up to the controlling module, is what I need. It appears to have gotten to close to the Cat converter heat shield and possibly melted or a wire is broken inside. I am getting a code po770, solenoid E. If I move the wires it will go away. move again and it comes back. About 7 wires, I need to know which one I am chasing , to make the job much easier. Thanks For any help, Dan
After closer examination of the underside of my explorer, and the diagram that was sent, it made more sense to me. Figuring out the colors coded to the seven wires, and the numbers relating to the pin position on the plug from an additional diagram I came up with. It all ties together. I am still working on it slowly trying to sort through what is causing the problem. Thank You vic1992LX for the diagram you sent.

i have wiring diagrams for the latest ford models, if you need a specific one just ask!
Hi I'm working on putting 1998 mercury mountaineer 5.0 high output in 2006 mercury mountaineer I want to make stand alone wiring harness for the 1998 any diagrams you think that would help me will be appreciated?? I like have diagram for pinout pick on both years 1998: and 2006..

Hi I'm working on putting 1998 mercury mountaineer 5.0 high output in 2006 mercury mountaineer I want to make stand alone wiring harness for the 1998 any diagrams you think that would help me will be appreciated?? I like have diagram for pinout pick on both years 1998: and 2006..
There is no “high output” 5.0 that ever came in a mountaineer. There was a single motor option for the V8. Later models had the P heads, but there was nothing really special about them.

There is no “high output” 5.0 that ever came in a mountaineer. There was a single motor option for the V8. Later models had the P heads, but there was nothing really special about them.

i think what he means is not that there was a normal 5.0 and a high output 5.0, but that the 5.0s in exploreres were called the 5.0 HO... correct me if im wrong though...

The high output was a Mustang thing, and because you could order different 5.0s. The wiring varies year to year on the Explorers, it’s not like there is a high output wiring diagram vs a regular 5.0.

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oh yeah im not refuting that part, i was just saying that i think he was just giving more specific name/info to it, but idk... anyways, sorry for the thread hijack!
