Stic-o goes Electric. Mustang Mach-E GT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Stic-o goes Electric. Mustang Mach-E GT


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well with the Jag gone we picked up the latest and greatest. We actually ordered one last year, yet still doesn't have a build date. With everything going on in the world, we decided not to wait and we found one coming in stock that was available. It will be interesting going Electric, but makes sense for my wife's 20 mile commute roundtrip everyday. We also have Solar panels, so that ads to the convince of charging on the cheap.

Anyway here she is. '22 Mustang Mach-E GT in Dark Matter Grey. More pics to come.

Did I mention it does 0-60 in 3.8sec😳


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Well with the Jag gone we picked up the latest and greatest. We actually ordered one last year, yet still doesn't have a build date. With everything going on in the world, we decided not to wait and we found one coming in stock that was available. It will be interesting going Electric, but makes sense for my wife's 20 mile commute roundtrip everyday. We also have Solar panels, so that ads to the convince of charging on the cheap.

Anyway here she is. '22 Mustang Mach-E GT in Dark Matter Grey. More pics to come.

Did I mention it does 0-60 in 3.8sec😳

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looks sharp!!!!!! sticking ford! let me know how EV is! been looking at those and hybrids recently (cant justify purchase price of ev though)

When I was a kid the only things that did 0-60 in under 4 seconds were crotch rockets
Simply amazing!

Funny that you can get one faster going to dealer rather then waiting for your build! I heard some lucky people found broncos at msrp too.

Nice ride! Looks like it will be a fun commute!

Well with the Jag gone we picked up the latest and greatest. We actually ordered one last year, yet still doesn't have a build date. With everything going on in the world, we decided not to wait and we found one coming in stock that was available. It will be interesting going Electric, but makes sense for my wife's 20 mile commute roundtrip everyday. We also have Solar panels, so that ads to the convince of charging on the cheap.

Anyway here she is. '22 Mustang Mach-E GT in Dark Matter Grey. More pics to come.

Did I mention it does 0-60 in 3.8sec😳

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How about a report on how it's been doing since you've had it. Any issues?

Haha, funny yous ask. We just took it for the weekend on it's longest trip. One where we new we would have to charge in the trip.

We have come to the following conclusions.

1. Charging at home costs us 25% of what a gas car would (Premium fuel at 24mpg)

2. Charging on the road costs us 50% of what a gas car would (same as above)

3. With this is a time penalty. On the road, you need to stop every 200 miles or so for 45 mins to charge. At home it's a overnight thing.

Conclusion is, around town from home it's great. Long distance, not so much. We also ran into a issue where a charger didn't work and luckily had enough to get to another charger 30 miles away. If we ran it to the limit, we would be in trouble.

Now range anxiety aside, the car is great. Looks good, drives a little stiff, faster then ****, but the car is borderline boaring to drive. There is just no connection. Locally it's fine because your not in the car long enough. On the open road, I want to take a nap. Luckily I don't drive it to much. So it's fine. I do find myself taking it locally places vs my truck, because I don't want to waste gas in my

Now with that all said. Last week we finally got a notification that the original car we ordered in November of last year has been scheduled for production in September. We are price protected and the car as increased in price twice since then. It is a Premium, but being a second slower is not going to really be noticable and the new one will have a farther range, glass roof, 360 camera and blue cruise.

We will probably sell the GT, for a profit or brake even. Plus we still get the $7500 tax rebate on both by grabbing the premium. 😁

Im glad its working well for you. An electric would be awesome for our 40+ mile trip to town and back.

I thought about getting an electric car but I just can't afford one and no way in hell am I buying one used this was before I got my sweet little fuel sipper I just unfortunately don't have anything for the winter months.

Now with that all said. Last week we finally got a notification that the original car we ordered in November of last year has been scheduled for production in September. We are price protected and the car as increased in price twice since then. It is a Premium, but being a second slower is not going to really be noticable and the new one will have a farther range, glass roof, 360 camera and blue cruise.

Did you make the switch?

Did you make the switch?

Yes, we have the Premium now. Traded the GT back in. In comparison the GT is stupid fast, and a lot more fun. The Premium definitely is not as fast, but still has good acceleration. It's still boring to drive. Our Premium has Blue Cruise, which is the self driving feature. It does it surprisingly well. Makes you feel like you're riding the bus though. It is great for eating though. I have enjoyed a bowl of ice cream flying down the freeway at 75. Kinda scary!

It does do donuts really well though 😁 instant torque and a little turn of the wheel.

My wife always knows when I have driven it, because the range lowers. I just have to work to have fun in it. I really wish there was a electric with a manual transmission. I have been thinking of swapping in a Nissan Leaf electric motor into the '85 Ranger. Leaving the rest of the drivetrain. Could be fun.

Dodge isn't offering a manual, but they do have this:

Dodge is highlighting two of the Charger Daytona's patent-pending features that will separate it from pretty much every other EV on the market. The first is called eRupt: A multi-speed transmission that provides electromechanical shifts for a more visceral experience. One aspect of EVs that can get less impressive quite quickly is the instant acceleration and lack of driver engagement, and the eRupt system looks to rectify. The Charger Daytona will also have a PowerShot mode that delivers a horsepower boost at the press of a button for more passing power or a better launch off the line.

I really like the electric Charger. I think it's a great looking car. I will definitely be keeping an eye on that one.

The Power Shot thing is kinda dumb. I'm telling you the GT when doing freeway speeds was literally lighting quick. By the time you realized you hit the gas pedal, you were already there. Other drivers didn't know what to do and panicked. I left the sunglasse holder open, and it threw my sunglasses in the back seat. I really can't imagine what any more power would do, and what use it would have. The Z rated tires hardly keep grip, because of the instant torque. I could chirp the tires at freeway speeds.

The biggest issue I see with these, it there dangerous for most drivers, who have no clue. It's literally like tying a rocket to there back, and they have no idea how to control something that powerful.

The Power Shot thing is kinda dumb. I'm telling you the GT when doing freeway speeds was literally lighting quick. By the time you realized you hit the gas pedal, you were already there. Other drivers didn't know what to do and panicked. I left the sunglasse holder open, and it threw my sunglasses in the back seat. I really can't imagine what any more power would do, and what use it would have. The Z rated tires hardly keep grip, because of the instant torque. I could chirp the tires at freeway speeds.

The biggest issue I see with these, it there dangerous for most drivers, who have no clue. It's literally like tying a rocket to there back, and they have no idea how to control something that powerful.

I've got a couple of those. :D 425HP in a 3500lb car and 750HP in a 3000 lb car. Loads of fun:burnout: I like the noise that goes along with it though. It makes for a visceral experience like no other. No traction controls adds to the fun.

Congratulations. My only issue with the new "Mustang" is those extra two doors.

I see people in Teslas around here mostly. I bet one out of five cars is a EV. I have watched them accelerate from stop lights, then brake a few seconds later when they realize they are way over the speed limit.

Just don't get all EV snobby on us Stick-O.

Congratulations. My only issue with the new "Mustang" is those extra two doors.

I see people in Teslas around here mostly. I bet one out of five cars is a EV. I have watched them accelerate from stop lights, then brake a few seconds later when they realize they are way over the speed limit.

Just don't get all EV snobby on us Stick-O.
Don't worry about that. Wife has wanted a EV for a while. She drives for necessity, not for fun.

I'm not a fan of the car, except for eating a bowl of ice cream while going down the highway, and going down to the store where I don't waste gas in my truck. It really is great for a local around town car, but that's it. Like a big golf cart.

Don't worry about that. Wife has wanted a EV for a while. She drives for necessity, not for fun.

I'm not a fan of the car, except for eating a bowl of ice cream while going down the highway, and going down to the store where I don't waste gas in my truck. It really is great for a local around town car, but that's it. Like a big golf cart.
Posted while eating a bowl of ice cream at 75 on the freeway while lane changing a semi that didnt get out of your way...

Steve, does the BC ever brake when there is no way you would be using the brakes? Our Adaptive Cruise does that.

I assume the BC stops at red lights and stop signs automatically? That is something the AC does not do.

I did not like the design when they first came out, really really like the design now. Not sure about the 0-60 3.8 seconds. That seems pretty much the same as my 95 except 10 seconds faster.. Seriously Im jealous. Beautiful ride.

Steve, does the BC ever brake when there is no way you would be using the brakes? Our Adaptive Cruise does that.

I assume the BC stops at red lights and stop signs automatically? That is something the AC does not do.

It only works on the highway and designated roads. But yes it will come all the way to a stop. It works in traffic, but I don't think it would work with a signal. Maybe in the future. You can't start it off in traffic, you have to come into it. But it will eventually kick you out of BC.

Now the Ranger, I can turn on Trail Control and use cruise in deep traffic 😁

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It only works on the highway and designated roads. But yes it will come all the way to a stop. It works in traffic, but I don't think it would work with a signal. Maybe in the future. You can't start it off in traffic, you have to come into it. But it will eventually kick you out of BC.

Ours will come to a stop, and start up again when traffic starts to move, but it will not stop itself at stop signs or red lights.
