2025 Explorer Review by Blwnsmoke | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2025 Explorer Review by Blwnsmoke


Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 25, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
I was given an awesome opportunity to go to Ford HQ and see the 25 Explorer. Here are a bunch of photos I took.

















(Check out Kris G and Russell D's review of the 2025 Explorers here:)

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4 trims (5th coming later that is more offroad) Active, ST-Line, ST and Platinum.

Platinum now can have the 2.3 or 3.0

New entertainment system and digital dash, 5 times more powerful.

B&O soundbar across entire dash on all trims.

5,000# tow across all trims

Same powerplants with same power ratings (2.3 and 3.0), no hybrids.

New aero in front where fogs are.

Standard trailer tow on 2025

Grooved area below screen so hand doesn't slip when touching screen

St/platinum has wireless charger below hvac

Door panels and center are wrapped and stitched. Color changes with trim.

Ambient lighting runs along doors and curves of instrument panel to outline dash.

Vapor blue new for exterior (not available on Platinum)

5G connectivity

Wireless android and apple car play

5x processing power - Qualcomm snapdragon

Bluecruise - 90 day from purchase for free. More then 130,000 miles of road.

I don't suppose you got a chance to peek underneath the ST (not ST line) in your pics to see if they put a 3 bolt or 4 bolt subframe?

I don't suppose you got a chance to peek underneath the ST (not ST line) in your pics to see if they put a 3 bolt or 4 bolt subframe?
Never thought to check. I did check to see if they had the rear cover underneath for sound proofing that was all too common to be missing.. and they didn't. I questioned them on it, showed them it missing and the thread here about many of us complaining. They seemed to not even know about it.

Thank you Brian for being being able to attend the preview and review the new 2025 Explorer for us. I really appreciate your efforts. The review and photos look great.:chug: I'm very glad that I was able to pass this opportunity on to you.

Sorry I missed the chance to go to see the 2025 Explorer, looks like Ill be ready to lease a new one in 2026, they should have any kinks in this new model worked out by then.
Thanks for the review. I will be interesting to see if the ST & Platinum have paddle shifters. I really like those on my 2020 Platinum.

Sorry I missed the chance to go to see the 2025 Explorer, looks like Ill be ready to lease a new on in 2026, they should have any kinks in this new model worked out by then.
Thanks for the review. I will be interesting to see if the ST & Platinum have paddle shifters. I really like those on my 2020 Platinum.

The ST has paddle shifters. It does not list it on the Platinum.

Any option for 2nd row bench seats instead of the two captains chairs?

Thanks Blwnsmoke,
Checked all the photos, rear looks better but prefer the front look of the current model.
Noticed no more hard buttons for climate?
No more built-in navigation? Solely rely on Google maps? Are offline maps available as an option or it works over the phone?

Appreciate the review, but Ugh, that tacked-on screen, was hoping they'd do something more integrated. And touch climate controls? No thanks.

What is this?

Thanks for the review!
The iPad touchscreen looks like the old Mazdas (2020-22 cx9) at first you are like “it looks glued on, does it retract?” but then after you drive it for a while you get used to it


I believe that is just a Bang and Olufson symbol on the speaker.


Thanks! Makes sense! For sure a good spot for a speaker… I do like the smooth dash top! There do not have a heads up display on the windshield do they?

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Thanks! Makes sense! For sure a good spot for a speaker… I do like the smooth dash top! There do not have a heads up display on the windshield do they?
Looks like the doors do not have the 3" driver or the tweeter so I'd assume they are putting them on the dash. That's an improvement in my book.
