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Police Interceptor Utility Photo Thread


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Can anyone recommend a good FORscan and programing for me to work on a 2016 Explorer Sport. I'm new to this FORscan thing and don't want to waste money or get something that would screw up my vehicle. Also is there anywhere to learn how to use the FORscan stuff properly?
Thanks in advance.

Hello all. I have made the greatest modification for an Explorer PIU. I removed everything in the rear, carpeted everything and now have a 2 seater flat floor grocery wagon that can haul 2 months worth of groceries and a skid of beer. There is also storage under the floor. I have included a video link of how it was in its original form. I also changed the tires to the same size as the 2020 (265/60R18).




That is almost 2” more side wall 😳

And they are so nice. No rubbing at full lock. I run the CrossClimate2's and keep them around 38psi. They handle GREAT!
I went with 245 60 18. Using Pirelli Scorp plus 3 for spring/summer/fall and falken winter peaks for winter.

I went with 245 60 18. Using Pirelli Scorp plus 3 for spring/summer/fall and falken winter peaks for winter.View attachment 452635
I had the smaller tires, but I was going for load capacity and ground clearance. I cross Low Water Crossings often so extra height is nice. I did look like this before the tire swap.


Can anyone recommend a good FORscan and programing for me to work on a 2016 Explorer Sport. I'm new to this FORscan thing and don't want to waste money or get something that would screw up my vehicle. Also is there anywhere to learn how to use the FORscan stuff properly?
Thanks in advance.
Its free: FORScan Home

And they are so nice. No rubbing at full lock. I run the CrossClimate2's and keep them around 38psi. They handle GREAT!
LOVE my CrossClimate tires. Had them on now for two years
