“The inserted USB device is not responding’ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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“The inserted USB device is not responding’


New Member
August 9, 2019
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2017 Ford Explorer XLT
Even when no phone charger is inserted into the USB port, I receive a pop up message every minute or so. It states ‘The inserted USB device is not responding’. When I plug my charger in, it will charge the phone. How do I prevent this message from continuing to pop up when no USB is plugged in?

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Welcome to the Forum Monique.:wave:
Have you tried a Master Reset? I don't know if that will fix it but it is one thing you can try.


Welcome to the Forum Monique.:wave:
Have you tried a Master Reset? I don't know if that will fix it but it is one thing you can try.


I did try a master reset. If this was only happening when the charger was plugged in, I could live with the pop up error but when nothing is plugged into the USB port, it drives me batty!

Perhaps it is a faulty USB port. It may not recognize that there is nothing plugged into it. Is the vehicle still under warranty?


I believe it is. We bought it used one week ago and I know he said one warranty had expired but another was still in effect (I’ll have to look at the paperwork). I thought about the possibility of a faulty USB port as well. There are actually 2 of them in the vehicle.

If the dealer didn't provide any warranty, chances are the warranty that has expired is the 3 year, 36k mile warranty and the remaining one is the 5 year, 60k mile Powertrain warranty which won't help in this case. If you don't want to leave the charger plugged in to stop that warning coming up, try putting in a blank USB drive to see if that works. In any case, I think you should go back to the dealer to see if there is anything they are willing to do.


The vehicle only has 26,000 miles on it so maybe it’s coveres in some fashion. I will be contacting the dealer.

The error message pops up whether there is something plugged into the USB port or not. I will be trying different cords and your idea about a blank USB drive is a good one. Thank you!

This started happening in my 2017 Explorer yesterday as well. A master reset did nothing. The vehicle does not recognize my phone and gives the "inserted USB device is not responding" error every minute or so whether or not anything is plugged in. And now I can't use the apps like Waze or Audible in Car Play. Ugh.

This started happening in my 2017 Explorer yesterday as well. A master reset did nothing. The vehicle does not recognize my phone and gives the "inserted USB device is not responding" error every minute or so whether or not anything is plugged in. And now I can't use the apps like Waze or Audible in Car Play. Ugh.
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Are you still under warranty? If so, let the dealer check it out so at least there is a record of the issue.


The vehicle only has 26,000 miles on it so maybe it’s coveres in some fashion. I will be contacting the dealer.

The error message pops up whether there is something plugged into the USB port or not. I will be trying different cords and your idea about a blank USB drive is a good one. Thank you!
Any update??

This started happening in my 2017 Explorer yesterday as well. A master reset did nothing. The vehicle does not recognize my phone and gives the "inserted USB device is not responding" error every minute or so whether or not anything is plugged in. And now I can't use the apps like Waze or Audible in Car Play. Ugh.

I've determined that my issue is likely the USB in the armrest. That USB will not charge my phone but the one under the dash will. That USB port however, only occasionally will use my Car Play. It's very frustrating. I have an appointment with the dealer as I am still under warranty but not until 9/12.

Any update??

I've made an appointment to have it looked at with my local dealership in mid-September. It is definitely something to do with the USB port in the arm rest.
