'02-'03 Explorer Lift Kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'02-'03 Explorer Lift Kit


New Member
August 24, 2003
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City, State
Port Orchard Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLS
Does anyone know where I can pick up a lift kit for a 2002 Ford Explorer XLS?

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I believe there isn't one. I hope you did not buy an '02 with the intentions of lifting it. Actually I saw a thread by Rick that had a lifted 3rd Gen. But I'm sure it cost more than the truck itself to make it work.

Welcome to the site by the way.

Originally posted by X~FACTOR
Actually I saw a thread by Rick that had a lifted 3rd Gen.

Where?! I wanna see!

You da man! My dumb ass was searching for "lift" and "3rd gen".. and i'm an idiot. nice work.
