03 Eddie Bauer 4.0 rear thumping | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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03 Eddie Bauer 4.0 rear thumping


Well-Known Member
April 7, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Virginia beach VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 limited 4.6 V8
whenever i go over bumps dips in road i hear and feel a thump in the rear end of truck i did remove spare tire ,still there , i know the rear pass tie rod into the hub is moving so the wheel does move back and forth but dont feel thats not the thumping im feeling , has anyone had this problem ? any thoughts thanks

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hard to tell i changed rear struts last year , the top 3 coils are touching tho is that normal ?

DId you check the tie rod ends or toe links for play?

the rear end links ( joints ) at the wheels are moving the stud going into the rear arm does move on pass side from where im getting the thump from, u can kick the wheel and hear a clunk but dont think thats the noise im hearing from.
